we used to have a male/female (date) forum. i thought it was very positive and a good way to connect with others. i also have toyed with the idea of starting a single parent forum as some of you might remember the thread last year. just a place for single parents to vent and share ideas/problems unique to single parents...(but not limited to) it was suggested if i want the date forum i start it back as a personal forum and if enough respond they will make it a regular forum. so i thought i would request the following personal forum *unofficial hip date and single parent forum* what do you think? should/could the two be mixed? does it interest anyone here?
Honestly its a great idea for some but, I don't have time to waste on a guy(oh that sounds mean!). Being left with two babies I'm a just a LITTLE mad and in a man hating mood right now... lol A single parents forum for thoughts on single parenting would be great but I wouldn't bother with one for trying to meet anyone. Thats just me though! I prob wouldn't bother with it if it were mixed... It is sad but I haven't met any nice guys who are willing to not have all my attention AND stay faithful.
well that was honest...understandable too. hope you don't shut down too much eryn. there are plenty of good men out there...you may limit your future based on the interpertation of your experience...i mean maybe now you are thinking your lesson in all this is "screw men they are undependable and need a mommy"...but maybe the lesson is "ok, this is what i don't want, i did not know before but now i know...these are things i can recognize and avoid" and based upon your new vision you can develop a healthy idea of what you do want. hope these comments don't offend you...i really was just thinking out loud and deceided not to delete it...i know its full of assumptions.
wow i really got off topic with that...just that what you say has so much truth and i just get very empathic with the whole dysfunction around this (in our society) back on topic, wonder how many others would feel the way you do...if the two forums were mixed you would (most likely) not participate
i wasnt offended at all. i understand what u mean. my days r so full i dont know if a man will ever fit in unless hes willing to jump right in a change a diaper and trade baby spit up horror stories...usually men arent turned on by that point and run lol
yea, usualy guys run the other way, but not all. i have seen lots of threads/posts on these forums from guys looking to take on a family. and there are single dads who would welcome a brady bunch...just don't write off all guys, theres still good ones out there
Hey Now! This isn't part of this forum, but there is http://hippiepersonals.com/ It's a good place to look for folks with similar interests and lifestyles! Goodluck! in love and light, ~tree
well tree, that site is not very active as far as i can tell...not the same vibe as the male/female forum we used to have here, but thank you for the link. my question was if it would go with single parent forum so i guess i'll take the lack of response as a lack of interest in the idea....