Ok so I had the talk with my oldest daughter the other day, to be honest I did catch her masturbating, this is normal and we had the big long talk to that effect. Hey we all do it, just do it in private. Anyways I was wondering about a vibrator for her? If she is like me and sounds like she is, she has a high sex drive, to be honest I had her in high school and it was probably my high sex drive that caused it. I did think that if I had a better way to get relief at home that i might not have been so prone to going out and finding it elsewhere. I was curious if anyone had done this or what your thoughts on it are.
Ontario here, would message you direct but can't figure out how. And I was thinking the same, just not sure how to give her one LOL, how red can i get again?
I used condoms as a teen and got pregnant, I am thinking if she waits till older to have sex then she can't get pregnant
Well, the pill is 99% effective Try that. Or the patch/shot/IUD, etc. And if a condom breaks, she should know about Plan B. Even if you think she should wait, she probably won't. Especially if she has such a "high sex drive." Vibrators are only so good. Sex with a real person is more mysterious and more fun, for a curious young lady .
. This is the part that always trips me out. You wouldnt have listened to your mother, whether or not she ever did give you the talk. So what makes you think she will, as opposed to just sitting there and nodding, yes mum. Birth Control, Condoms, buying a vibrator. its not rocket science, its not like they are dumb enough to not be able to read the packaging without your help. Its not that that will do it, its drunk horny and clumsy that will do it. Correct advice should be dont get off your face late at night around super hot guys. And why is it the default position that having such a close emotional connection with your daughter that you can both sit behind a computer order a vibrator online, then smile at each other and hug....is a good thing...shit is weird. Hearing your parents talk about sex -> :ack2:
I certainly had the discussion with my daughter about contraception. That was about 15. Starting university at 18, she felt there was a very good chance she would become sexually active and asked if I agreed with her about her going on the Pill. I totally agreed, provided she used condoms as well for STD protection. She just laughed and asked if I thought she was naive: of course she would insist on condoms - as well. As far as buying her a sex toy - Hell would freeze over first. There are areas you JUST DON'T GO!.
I think it's cute that the mum made a username like "hot babe" cause that's something the daughters age would do. Lol.
I think that having a open and honest discussion with your kids is extremely healthy for all parties. I have 3 daughters myself and they all know that if they have any questions or concerns they can come to me without judgement.
Curious how old your daughter is. Mine is 12 and just getting interested in boys (and I mean like BAM interested...) She's been keeping her door closed for well over a year now and I figured it was due to her developing, becoming conscious and well who knows what else... I don't think I'm going to go out and buy her a toy or anything, but me being a guy, never having any sisters and having daughters soon to be coming of age, well...