Hi all. A buddy of mine has finally (after nearly a decade, due to northern seclusion) gotten his hands on some tabs of lsd. He was told they are 100ug, and he has five. He has never done acid, and only done a low dose of psilocybin one. He has no idea how much to take. He has read numerous statements with conflicting doses. He is highly considering all five, but has been told to only do one or two. He lives in northern Canada, and is an avid outdoorsman. He thought all five and a bush walk could do some good. What kind of dose should he take?
I'd reccomend 2-3 hits and an outdoors setting would be good. If he has already experienced a low dose of psilocybin, I think 2 hits at least (assuming they are dosed as reported) would be a good progression.
your "friend" should definitely NOT eat all 5 at once, just because of the chance that they might be NBOMe, another chemical instead of LSD that is much more dangerous. i always start with one hit of any new batch of (presumed) LSD. it might not be as strong as you want, but you can take more next time. start with one...maybe two. a real 100 ug of LSD is a decent trip.
What if he got it off a certain "underground" web market, and most reviews say its clean Lucy. Can he feel a bit better about taking a bigger dose?
Just got word he now has said tabs. Got an extra, bringing the grand total to six. He looks forward to experimenting.
6 hits that are supposed to be 100 ug each? i would probably try one. then in several months try two if i wanted a stronger trip. then next time (in several more months) maybe take all three that are left. from my limited experience with hits that were advertised at a certain dosage...i'd say 300 ug is a pretty hefty LSD trip. it was enough to make me wanna NOT walk, and rather lay down in the mud. it made it hard to do very simple tasks it allowed my brother to "make things grow" - he could make like any vegetation grow larger, or sprout new growth from the sand. he also 'saw' an octopus that was pulsing under the sand, and he felt that he was being raised up by it...til he was like 10 ft in the air. if you don't have a pretty decent trip from one hit, i doubt they are really 100 ug.
If you are not satisfied by the reviews on the site you purchased it from, there are also testing kits you can purchase such as the ehrlich testing kit which will differentiate LSD type compounds from NBomes. Also LSD tends to have little to no taste as where NBOME is really bitter and often produces a numbing sensation in the mouth. Here is an exercept from one of the pioneering post 1960's psychonauts DM Tuner on LSD doses, fairly accurate from my experience... I think exploring a full psychedelic experience initially with LSD and most psychedelics is a better approach and then you can decide from there where to dose.
Well, he went there and back. He took three, walked to the store for juice and smokes, and took three more when he got home. He held it together for a couple hours, then lost it. He want absolutely insane, by himself, in the middle of the night on lsd. He will type up a whole trip report, will post sometime in the next couple days.
so.. 600 mics? Nice!!! tho the last 3 was probably effected by tolerance. heavy dose. I cant wait to read the report!!
I had been waiting for the mail to arrive for almost a week. I had placed my order on Tuesday night, and I was excited as a kid on Christmas eve. I checked the mail, and saw I had received a piece of junk mail I had not previously before. I got it home, and took it to my smoke room to investigate. I opened it to find 6, not the five I ordered, 100ug tabs of LSD. I live in Northern Canada, and been looking for any form of Lucy for well over a decade. I was so excited I I practically shook while holding it. I tucked it away, then went on with my evening. At around 8:30 pm, I changed my mind and headed into my room. (I should take this time to mention mental illness runs rampant in my family, and I am not the most stable mentally.Would not call it "depression", but am also a fairly unhappy person, sadness I guess.) I have read lots of articles, and testimonials, about LSD. I wanted to figure out a good dose, so I asked numerous internet board communities. The overall consensus was 200ug. Some said one tab, some said three, most said two. Being a bigger guy who has always needed more dope, zoomers, alcohol, dimes; I thought I would go for 300ug. I was told it should only be slightly more intense than a mild trip. For my first time, I thought this would be great. I was told not to smoke weed while dropping. Only before, or after. I went and hit my bong half a dozen times while I cut the tabs up, then dropped. I walked down the street to visit my father (like everyday) on the come up. We talked and watched a little TV, then I said I would walk to the store for him. On the way over I felt it coming on, but not as intense as I'd hoped. It was now 9:30ish, roughly an hour after dropping the first 300ug, when I got the bright idea "Fuck it, everyone on the internet told me 500ug was too much for a first time, lets for for all 600!" I dropped the last three, then gave my father his groceries and headed home. I wanted to walk around the bush, as I am an avid outdoors man, but the wind picked up something fierce. I stood in my backyard watching the smoke rise from peoples chimneys for a while, then went inside. I hadn't made much of a plan, but I set a couple movies out that I thought might be alright. I popped in the animated Alice In Wonderland (one of my fav. films even sober), and watched the previews. As they were done and the menu rolled up, it hit me. Hard. The waves had gotten bigger. Everything seemed to move on its own. I heard a ringing, along with an echo. My head was buzzing and pounding, but not in a bad or hurtful way. I couldn't bring myself to start the movie. I couldn't hit play. After close to fifteen minutes, I finally started it. The beginning when she is reading was bumming me out, so I hit fast forward until a random spot. It landed on the scene when he grows and shrinks, and the door is laughing at her. This freaked me out, but I wasn't sure why. I shut it off, and started an episode of King of the Hill. I couldn't follow it well, and changed the episode. I could not read the XMB on my playstation at this point, and picked a random episode. As soon as it started, Peggy and Hanks voices changed. They were almost slowed down, and angry. Every time I looked at my screen, it would twitch and glitch and fuck up, even though these episodes have been watched numerous times and they work fine. The TV was really starting to bum me out, so I got up to put my jeans on and go. Possibly have a puff. I stood at my couch for longer than needed to put my pants on. I kept putting them on, and taking them off. When I go to sleep, I put a movie or TV show on REPEAT mode and set the system and TV to SLEEP. For some reason, the idea of repeat got me. I was repeating everything I was saying in a loop, doing everything in a loop. I never did make it outside that time, so I sat back down. All of a sudden the thought of mental illness came into mind. I thought maybe I shouldn't have done it. Then my thoughts started making no sense. "Banana boat ring ding, down the road in the tree wall." Just stupid shit. I would repeat it, and walk in a circle. As time didn't seem to be passing, I thought I had lost it. I genuinely thought I lost my mind. I thought my girlfriend or parents had found me, and I was in a silly house somewhere. I thought everything that was happening was strictly in my mind, as I sat and babbled away in the real world. I looked at the back of the room, and saw my dog, Nikki. This snapped me back to reality. If my dog was there, this had to be real. I started reminding myself this was just like drinking too much, it would wear off. No matter what, it would wear off. I sat back down and tried to watch TV. I have watched every episode of everything I have at least a dozen times, so nothing was really catching me. I kept putting whatever I watched on REPEAT, regardless if I made it to the end of the episode or not. This was bugging me out again. I started thinking about how cool it was everyone could take this chemical, and it did something to do them. Everything connected, but not. Then I realized something. I had purchased, received, and taken a substance I got from a faceless, nameless person on the internet. What if this was LSD? What if he was some sick fuck who liked to kill people? The nonsense thoughts started again shortly after. I tried to leave my room, but couldn't. Then it hit me. I hadn't gone crazy, I wasn't in my room. I was in hell. I had died, and gone to hell. I was strangely okay with this. I excepted it, and put my pants on and went outside. The smoke looked so perfect, but it was so cold and still out. Granted it was 2:00 am, not seeing anyone made me think this was my hell. I found it strange it was cold, as I prefer cold over heat. I walked around a little, then headed home. I went back to my room, and saw my dog again. Though her body seemed to be "wobbly" and morphing, I realized again I was just fine. I wasn't dead, I wasn't crazy. I laid on my couch. At this point I think I might have experienced ego death. I thought maybe everything: the internet, the acid, people, everything, was in my head. A product of my own consciousness. Then I thought of others, and if they actually did exist, they would have thoughts and "energy", too. I found this troubling, that there is a world, so to speak, in everyone. I didn't think of myself as a body, just a consciousness. I thought about nature and animals, and connecting with them. It's kind of hard to explain, but I felt...one.. with everything. At this point I started to come down. I became a little tired, and went to sleep. I woke up 4 hours later. No "hangover", no gross feeling, head felt clear. I read a book for a little while, then went snowshoeing out in the bush. I thoroughly enjoyed it, actually. I plan on doing another high dose, possibly higher than this one once I am experienced. I will likely take it during the day, though, or night in the summer. I was supposed to share with a friend, who actually called as I write this. I plan on placing another order within the next couple days. I have told a couple friends about it, and we plan on adding it to our annual spring fishing trip. Thank you for reading, I apologize it wasn't the most entertaining.
you said not by me i think if you had taken one...and then taken 5 next time, you wouldn't have been scared that it was another chemical..and maybe not scared that you might die. i mean, i know you can't die from LSD unless you try REALLY REALLY hard...but anyone might think that they're dying on a high enough dose. sounds like you made the best of it though. either you are quite the hardhead, or those hits aren't 100 ug each. 300 ug is a pretty strong trip for most people. 300 ug is strong enough that i've never been brave enough to try ~450 ug or more. i can't see someone eating 300 ug and thinking...hmm, that's not quite strong enough, i think i better take 3 more.] but like i said, sounds like you tried to make the best of it, so bravo. avoid the TV next time. i think you found that out for yourself. music is much better. or just closing your eyes in silence.
FANTASTIC REVIEW!!! You need to take higher dose next time.. maaan handling a 600 mic trip is no nonsense. tho I say the tolerance was a factor here. I suggest you do six again, but drop them at the same time!! Wasn't it amazing to be reborn? I always die when I trip. so beautiful. You can go to heaven too! Not just hell. you know. all you have to do is hug the demons and they will disappear.
Haha thank you guys. Sorry about no quote, my phone is kind of shit, but I digress. I have no doubt that taking them at seperate times effected my tolerance, but I am sure it still worked its magic haha. I am quite the hard head, I usually have to find what people have told me for myself, haha. I would like to do another high dose out at my cabin. It sits on a point, the river runs on both sides. I will say the fan in my smoke room helped cool me down, as I started to sweat something fierce in the beginning. Now that I am sure it is lsd, I will feel better next time. I am curious though, what is the highest dose you guys have taken? First time dose? (The buddy I was supposed to share with was actually upset, haha. At first he said he didn't want to do it. Guess I have to place another order).
My highest is only around 500 mics. I have no place to do higher doses at themoment ..because Im not alone in the house :S but I'm planning to do a 1000 mic dose sometime.. when I can find a cabin Tho I did combinations .. I went further. like smoking DMT on the peak. I highly recommend you look into that if you wanna go really far out! oh one more thing.. I recommend you read the "Tibetan book of the Dead" Its basically a guide on how to handle trippin. there is a modern interpretation of it called "The psychedelic experience" from Tim Leary. This will help you recognize the illusions inside your mind. If you recognize them they will disappear.
Although I had only heard about dmt in the last few years or so; it has caught my attention. I will be placing an order for some, I just have no idea how much! A thousand mic trip sounds like the bees knees. Like you say though, a cabin might be optimal. I found, for myself anyway, I didn't like being in town. A couple guys and are pooling our money today, probably order 15 or 20 tabs. You wouldn't happen to live in Canada, would you?