although i'm not about killing, and peace is the only solution and all that, first person shooters are fun and innocent. theres nothing wrong with fragging an animated zombie or soldier into smithereenies and taking no real life. Duke, Quake, OO7, Halflife, etc, are all fun-as-shit games,a dn taking to the internet to battle fellow gamers is even better. one of my guilty pleasures...
Quake 3 Arena forever stands out as the greatest FPS of my internet life. Road Wars Blood 2 Kiss Psycho Circus (more for the Todd McFarlane of it) I dont care for ones that require me to find magic orbs or solve wizards mysteries etc. If I see some Elf asking me riddles - I just wanna blast him.
lol doom! what a classic... what about the very first return to castle wofenstien? did it used to run in DOS ? i can vaugly remember playing it
I agree, I love Q3, I've been addicted to it for like 3 years now. The id engine is far surperior to any other, I just love the fluid motion of it. Strafe jumping = best idea ever for FPS games. Have you played the Rocket Arena mod?? It fucking kicks ass!!
Yeah I remember Wolfenstien! I remember me and my friend used to run up and down the walls pressing the "open door" button looking for secrets.. there were so many in that game! I remember when we got to the secret Pac-man level, we thought it was so awesome..
Half Life 2 > Doom3 Sorry, but it's true. I'll be waiting another 5 years for HL2 to come out, but when it does it will pwnz0r Doom3.
LOL.. sorry but I gotta say that Doom 3 > Half-life 2 in the battle of the "never-ending-upcoming-release-status" games.
Doom 3 is hopefully hitting stores in summer at a price of £54.99 which is about.. $98 I dare say that the actualy release will be delayed once more and the price will drop
hehe.. I just got through Return to Castle Wolfenstein and it was awesome. There is a big pain-in-the-arse 'sniper' level which makes you want to find a cheat code and jump the level.. Otherwise it was awesome. I havent tried Half-life or DeusX but people tell me they are awesome and as good as Quake or Doom?
Half-Life is probably one of the best first person shooters of all time. Its an amazining game but also it has hundreds of mod's which expands the game more over the internet.... just out of curiosity... how many of you play CS... Counter-Strike? DeusX is a bloody good game too..... i played the first one... but i havnt played the second one as i dont tend to play games no more probably both worth getting your hands on, really enjoyable games
CS is about the only game that can rival the id games, however, it really depends on whether you're into teamplay (CS) or doing the mano-e-mano thang (Doom). Personally, I skipped school 2 weeks playing Team Fortress Quake, literally 24/7, with no sleep, tons of beer and cigarettes, and a constant urge to whip the shit out of those damned RED BASTARDS!!!11!1one!!!!!11!1one!1!!!11eleventeen!11111one!!!!!!
sweet jesus! a pre order of doom3 here is about $55....anyway, Carmack's work is far superior to anything else! HL2 has got nothin on q2 let alone doom3!!! quake2 i think is the best fps game ever. its so easily modified. there are complete engine conversions for openGL that blow other games out of the water! but then again im very bias in my opinion cause i love id software more than i love my parents almost. i really do hate HL though...people say its better graphically, but all it is, is a modified quake engine....not the quake2 engine,but the quake engine. just heavly modified. also i dont think q3 was to good, but the engine carmack developed for it was simply amazing at the time. and its been the primary engine for games from 99-03.....not a bad run. but q3 was mainly just a game to show off carmacks work; which it does VERY nicely
Wolfenstein 3D started the genre. Doom set the standard. Duke was good, but had little effect. Quake came next, it was something new. Q2 was it's own game, drawing nothing from it's predecessor. Golden Eye set a record, still topping charts after seven years. Half Life is good, but nothing groundbreaking. Q3 was also good, but was cursed to be nothing but a multiplayer game. Perfect Dark succeeded Golden Eye, and is well worth it's weight in gold. Now everyone is torn between Half-Life 2 and Doom3.
I agree with you on everything, except Q2 was still built on the Q1 engine. The only thing Q2 had over Q1 was graphical and content improvements, though, Q1 had more integral mods (which would be expected at the first of a trilogy, anywho).
the q2 engine may have had some relations to the quake engine, but it was a completely new build carmack had made.