Covid vaccine: First 'milestone' vaccine offers 90% protection This sounds pretty promising, and will hopefully mean that soon countries will not have to keep going into and out of lockdown all the time. Maybe by next Spring we will really have a time of renewal and a chance to celebrate and enjoy life again.
It won’t be generally available to the public until mid-2021 It’s a two part process in which you’re injected with the vaccine, then 3 weeks later you receive a second shot. One week later it should provide 90% protection. One participant in the trial claims she experienced nausea and muscle pain but otherwise felt pretty good.
As I'm one of those considered 'vulnerable' and need to be 'protected' I could be one of the first here to be given the vaccine. If I am, I'll let you all know.
Would you be comfortable with that knowing it has been rushed ? No telling of the side affects that may occur .
I hope it works, but I hear many people say they won't take. until it's been tested. Right now there is so many people who don't trust things. I see why but I'm old and want to be safe.
My concern is that we have been shielding the mother in law who is 87 and diabetic . We will need to come to some sort of decision in the not so far distant furure.Like Vlad above she will be one of the first to be called up .
Yes I see your concern. I still wear mask and social distance, but I see people dropping their guard.
... here's one of the major problems not being talked about much. the vaccine must be kept at a temperature about 91 degrees BELOW ZERO! and since most vaccinations will be administered by county health departments most of them do not have access to technology that keeps vaccines that cold.
So--90 %. Does that mean that out of --say--100 people given the vaccination--10 will get it anyway? Trying to figure that out.