Finding Rooms In Your Home That You Didn't Know Existed

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by Fueled by Coffee, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I've been having dreams off and on throughout my life where I discover secret rooms and passageways in my house that I never knew existed. Most of the time these rooms aren't even furnished, but occasionally I'll find some treasured items in these rooms. Most recently I had a dream that the house I grew up in had a basement/bomb shelter all along. Have you ever had a dream like this?
    Sagewynd and Pieceofmyheart like this.
  2. Emanresu

    Emanresu Member

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    From time to time I have this sort of dream about my parent's house, the house I grew up in. Usually it takes the form of there being a door at the back of the closet in my old bedroom that leads to a little room that connects to the closet of my parent's bedroom on the other side. I don't really remember finding anything in that room, except one time there were some plants growing in there. In the dream I remember thinking "Oh no! No one has been watering these plants!". I also dreamed recently that the door to my parent's bedroom opened into an entire apartment with a window high on the wall that overlooked the staircase. Kind of strange because the area it overlooks is where I dreamed the room between my closet and my parent's closet was.
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  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I've had dreams about houses with rooms I've never been in before, not hidden rooms, just never explored.
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  4. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Yes I have been having similar dreams my whole life, but in my dreams it is always a different house, but the houses are similar in that they are old and rambling with many connecting rooms that are filled with treasures. Some of them start as my house then I find a room or passageway and it morphs into another house.

  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Common dream interpretation for "house" is the psyche, so the hidden or unexplored rooms are things we didn't know about ourselves.
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  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i only remember this happening once, and not really like described above. it was way back when i lived with my parents, and i don't remember many details, just that it was one of those epic long dreams that jumps from subject to subject while retaining some slight narrative quality, and at one point one of our basement walls got knocked down and there was more basement behind it. i don't even remember if i actually went in though; i think it might have just been more of a background image than an important part of the dream.

    a much more common dream is that my home is someplace other than where my home actually is. like a few days ago, i had a dream that i was moving out and some people i know were moving in at the same time, and the home in question just happened to be some sort of giant ship that floated through space.
  7. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Yeah I've had that too where the discovered rooms are that of a completely different house. The windows and interior layout of these new rooms usually don't match anything in my own house. One room I found was a rec room with a pool table and a bar with beer on tap. But for the most part, these rooms are often empty, but have a lot of potential to be something awesome. Whenever I have these dreams, I'm always amazed and bewildered to find them and it's an astonishing feeling.
  8. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Oooh I like that. Very poetic interpretation. It is true that we are always discovering new things about ourselves as we progress through life. The rooms are passageways to new found knowledge and capabilities we never realized we attained.
  9. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I've had many "house" dreams throughout my life, different houses and none I've ever lived in. There was a series of widely spaced but re-occurring dreams about a long single story house that had a "back hallway" loaded with unexplored rooms that just seemed to go on forever.

    The main house, minus that hallway is very much like the house I now own. Those dreams were years ago though, so not current dreams about my current house... It sort of freaked me out when I found this place.
  10. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
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  11. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    I did not know this was so common! I have two houses and one "facility" that I have dreamed about since I can remember...pretty much all my life I guess. I have heard two theories about is what Tyrsonswood said, the other is past lives. Who knows?
  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    When I dream about houses I generally dream about my parents house and how it is in terrible state of decay :( Can't mean much good :p

    I also dream about a house that is clearly based on the house I live in, it just looks different. Dreams about this alternative version of the house I live generally involves problems with the bathroom (overflowing toilet) and how the open window in my room is so big it kind of makes my room cross over in the street itself, and how the activity in this street and of the other households in it that I can take notice of through their open windows draw my attention. Very hard to paint an exact picture of this in words :p But none of these things are happening in real life.
  13. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Wouldn't "past lives" be locked away in our psyche?
  14. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    Once in a while I dream about the apartment where I currently live. On a couple occasions there were extra rooms or there was a doorway to the apartment next to me.

    More often I dream about walking through spaces as if I were looking for a place to stay. Many times it is the same space as previous dreams but it is different in some way or other such as the space is smaller or larger than before, one room will open up to another, in another dream there is an actual door. Sometimes a wall is missing and you are just looking outside. There are a few places that I have been dreaming about for as long as I remember but they are not places I have actually seen before. There are a couple places that I have dreamt about and then years later actually entered in real life.
  15. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    In my dreams I'm often in a big house that seems to be a kind of composite of various buildings I've been in the waking world, but usually not quite the same. There are often differences in things like the position of stairways, and where corridors lead. And one set of rooms in one place seems often to lead seamlessly into a quite different scene. I'll move from what looks like a corridor in a Georgian farmhouse (I used to live in one) to the inside of a shop or a bar.Stairways, sometime various spiral stairways are something I get quite a lot.
    There's also a small black and white cottage, standing by itself in the countryside I am often in. The dreams I have there seem to feature certain people, and they are always of the nature of those blissful kind of dreams you sometimes get. I awaken and want to go back to the dream.
    Sagewynd likes this.
  16. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    The past life theory makes sense to me because in my dreams the houses are always very dusty and filled with old treasures.

    In my waking hours I have also always been very attracted to old houses and old items. Pretty much everything I own was owned previously by someone else. I love the feeling of surrounding myself with things that carry a story and even a spirit of the person who owned it before. I hate buying new things with no history.
  17. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    so in your past life you were a sloppy hoarder?
  18. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    i have a continuing prison dream that usually comes to some escape .. I dont know why, other than time spent in prison. which there was only a single incident with the pigs. other than that, it was a fitness center vacation and I enjoyed the rest and relaxation . last prison dream was weird because the scene started with me bailing out, soon after the incarceration but we found ourselves in some lumber mill type paneling door maker shit, which was pretty high in elevation or so it seemed the building was high. whenever I moved there was some kinda wood being processed and I had to get out of its way. one previous to that, we escaped on one those little electric ninja bikes that was the size of a briefcase. another time it was like a mall setting where the prison was like a walmart and getting to and fro from it was highway features with exits and on-ramps. another time it was over a lake with pristine waters and forests, having to climb monster mountain muddy hills,, '
    another time was tubular tunnel near the railroad, a sewer tunnel I actually know, its local and creepy as all fuck to go thru .. Ive only been thru it once and never again. when the train comes, the cement tunnel creaks, snaps and rumbles .. no idea what purpose it serves, no water passes thru it ever.. my assumption to the dreams, they are locally, this is a prison to me. I cant wait to get out of here.
  19. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    All the time!
  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i dream about houses, buildings and towns all the time. often maze like parts of them. even when there are sinester aspects to them, which is rare, i enjoy them emensly and wish more places could be build like that in real life.
    i know symbolically the represent aspects of you own mind, and rooms you didn't know were there are abilities you didn't know you had, and the idea that some of them are hidden and all that, but there's also an aspect of transcending symbolism, and i find that best of all. every place that resembles some place in real life, this is what i have instead of the vagueness other people describe, and i have never experienced a dream not being completely real as if i were awake in real life in it. but yes, there are always more rooms and passageways and things like that. wonderful mysterious places to explore.

    there are several "my houses" in my dreams, though in any one dream, i'm only living in or even know about one of them. too bad none of the places i get to live in real life are very much like that.
    i usually live in a one room 'studio' rental unit in real life, but even those, when i live in one in my dreams, are in more interesting and maze like buildings, or funky older places you can fix up your own way,
    or there's one where the owners live in one of the slightly larger units and almost always invite everyone over and they have lots of cats all the time having kittens so there are always lots of those wandering around and getting under foot and into everything so you have to be careful where you step to not hurt them.

    and of course there's the one that when i'm there its a different point in time, and there are hidden stair cases, and sometimes they're full of trash and sometimes the panels hiding them have been torn out and sometimes they've been removed, rebuilt someplace else, remodeled and so on, and whole floors they lead to, and sometimes rooms that are not empty, but all the furnature has been pushed together in the middle of the room, which i've never made any sense out of that one myself.

    and there's something very much like that with whole towns too. always bus and transit routes to places i haven't been, and the places i have been being recognizable from other dreams. transit routes too for that matter.
    and even geographies of whole regions. and trails to different places in the mountains and the woods.

    all in all, this is pretty typical of the majority of my dreams.

    oh and it isn't just 'my' houses either. sometimes its friends who are remodeling, and sometimes i'm helping them do so. fraiming carpentry and all that. not just finding passages and rooms, but also sometimes actually building them. or unbuilding and rearrainging them. oh god, i could just go on and on about this, there's even a funkey old second hand hardware store, with everything sorted into open top bins. and a friendly old guy who runs the place.

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