Getting overrun by some variety of wild mustard here in the desert and my generic stirrup hoe just won't cut it I fear. Any recommendations on a solid (sturdy) brand or perhaps a different style altogether that would work as easily as a stirrup hoe generally does for weeding? (I know pulling this stuff would be ideal in most cases but it's the best I've got for a steady supply of green compost so not trying to eradicate it entirely)
I'd get iron to composite, pointy tip for the jab and dig. Straight edge hoes more spreader. Then you got turn to the side for cut and chop. But both are cheap, just get both..
i had to read the thread title 3 or 4 times before i realized you weren't asking about a hoe for your wedding.
I know, it's rare for me to ask questions Still making Biochar though Half tempted to hunt down some old leaf spring and make my own heavy-duty stirrup hoe at this point,,, There, that's my usual approach.
I think that's next on my shopping list, found a stirrup hoe with a bit more meat to it for now, keeping it sharp as a straight razor helps a lot
Oh that is a foreign invasive species! You have to get side of it before it seeds ... i5 can take over the desert and kill off natural habitat. It is also poisonous, There are several different kinds! Do you know which kind? You don’t want to use herbicides I guess? I wouldn't advise it as compost even. Might help it spread, bag it. anyways, I found this info for you. Cooperative Extension Services and Home Garden Information Each county in the United States has an Extension office that works closely with experts from universities and helps provide information about gardening, agriculture and pest control. Anyone who gardens knows it can present unique challenges, and your local County Extension Office is there to help, providing research-based, home garden information and advice, including information on hardiness zones. They can also help with soil tests, either free of charge or low-cost. So whether you’re starting a vegetable garden, choosing appropriate plants, needing pest control tips, or seeking information about lawn care, the Cooperative Extension Services experts know their subject matter, resulting in the most credible answers and solutions to all your gardening needs. Read more at Gardening Know How: What Is An Extension Service: Using Your County Extension Office For Home Garden Information What Is An Extension Service: Using Your County Extension Office For Home Garden Information
If nothing else, you certainly brightened up a dull day on HF PS, I also thought that you meant wedding at first.