fast easy homemade

Discussion in 'Show Your Piece' started by shroom_tree, Feb 13, 2005.

  1. shroom_tree

    shroom_tree Member

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    hey i was just wondering if anyone knew how to make a fast easy smoking aperatus for like a little bit of weed i got. mabe like a one-hitter or something
  2. Jointman69

    Jointman69 High Nigga Pie

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  3. lordcthulhu

    lordcthulhu Member

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    Lowest: Foiler Bowl: Roll a square pice of tin foil around a marker or pencil, remove the stiff, rolled up foil and then bend the tip on either side. Put weed in the bent tip and enjoy (if possible).

    Low: Pen hitter: Take a removeable, metal pen tip (the cone part where the ball point comes out of) and stick into a pen tube back wards so the inside of of the pen tip is facing outwards, put weed in cone and enjoy.

    Okay: Light bulb vaporizer(good for very small amount of weed): Punch out the bottom part of a normal light bulb with a spoon or hammer. Use hot water to wash out ALL of the white coating on the inside of the empty light bulb. Cut, drill, or punch a hole in a bottle cap so you can fit an empty pen tube into it. Place weed in light bulb, then screw the bottle cap(with the pen tube in it) onto the light bulb. Hold the flame UNDER the light bulb until you start to see white vapors rise from the weed. Inhale vapors and enjoy.
    Good: Water bottle hitter: Roll a inch and a half pice of in foil around the bottom of a marker so that a half inch of the tin foil is hanging off the marker. With the roll of foil still on the marker, stick a pen Cartridge(or any opther really thin rod like object) inside the foil that's still hanging off the marker and wrap it around the pen cartridge so that you leave your self with a small, foil bowl and down-tube. Punch a small hole into the side of a 20oz plastic watter bottle. Stick the small foil stem into the hole and seal it with clay or gum(gum will sizle so I suggest using clay or playdoh). You can also punch another hole into bottle to be used as a clear hole which I recomend(BIG hits) . Place weed in foil bowl, inhale, and enjoy.

    Very good: Water bottle bong: Take an empty pen tube and insert the same type of foil bowl mentioned above (water bottle hitter) into the tube and seal it with with clay, gum, or playdoh. Punch a hole into the side of a 20 oz. water bottle and insert the open side of the pen tube into the bottle. Seal the part where the pen goes into the bottle so that all air that is inhaled comes from the bowl with the weed in it. You can also put a clear hole into the bottle, but make sure it's above the water level. Place weed in the foil bowl and, of course, enjoy. Pictured instructions here.

    Best: Gravity Bong: Too hard for me to explain. Easy instruction hear, Warning: VERY BIG HITS...
  4. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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  5. jakesanders

    jakesanders Senior Member

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    i like water bongs using a pen and waterbottle.
  6. Jointman69

    Jointman69 High Nigga Pie

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    did nobody click the link and watch the video? its got a nice background track too:)
  7. oOflyeyesOo

    oOflyeyesOo Member

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    Just get some foil and make it into a pipe.
  8. hamsammich

    hamsammich Member

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    I've used jointman's way and that works good but I say make an apple pipe. If you make it right then it will be great. Just google it and a bunch of site will come up.
  9. PokeSmot

    PokeSmot Member

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    get a two liter soda bottle

    a bread bag

    something to put weed in (i used a bacardi cap with holes punched in it with a pin)

    some duct tape

    a pair of scissors

    cut off about 1-2 inches fromt he "feet" on the bottom of the bottle. Then take the bread bag, put it around where you cut off the bottom and tape that sum-bitch up real good with some tape. Suck in the bag, put the cap/foil/whatever on top of the bowl, and get a lighter, light the weed and pull out the bag at the same time. then take off the cap, hit that shit like cheech and chong and repeat.
  10. lordcthulhu

    lordcthulhu Member

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    Omg i forgot the apple pipe, that's actually one of the best outside of the water bong and gravity bong, you can eat when through, which means your disposing the evidence, clensing your breath, and also put a dent in your munchies.
  11. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    everyoen around here simply has a little (usually brass i think) bowl, which is called a cone-piece, and no one really owns a bong. we all just use our cone pieces with a few inches of an unsuspecting neighbor's garden hose, to make airtight, light wieght, durable, disposable bongs, which arent usually kept for over like a month uynless its an awesome bong, and most bogns are used only on the night or over a few days
  12. RoBoWaLkEr

    RoBoWaLkEr Member

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    Apples work great if you know how to do them.

    Here's my personal fave though, and it works great. You'll need:

    An empty toilet paper roll
    A standard pencil
    and scissors help

    Here's how it goes. Remove the metal part on the pencil that holds the eraser to the body of the pencil and take the eraser out. Crimp off one end so that air will pass thru but not bits of TOBACCO. Cut a small slit on the top of the toilet paper tube towards the end, just big enough to tightly fit the crimped end of the eraser thingy in. Insert the crimped end of the eraser thingy. There ya go.

    Somebody give me some feedback on this one...I think it's a great method, and I've never heard of anybody else ever doing it.
  13. freebird10787

    freebird10787 Member

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    POP CAN!!!!!!

    just bend it in a little bit at the middle, poke maybe 10 holes in the indentation, and you're golden.

    i've been smoking for a while now, and I've yet to buy a piece. why bother spending money on an apparatus when I can drink a pop, and then match up for the cost of the pop?
  14. freebird10787

    freebird10787 Member

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  15. Gravy_Train_Gilmour

    Gravy_Train_Gilmour Member

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    pretty much don't use anything that will release fumes at the temperatures that it will be exposed to. plastics, pvc, ALUMINUM (cans OR foil), etc.

    if it's a one time thing it probably won't do any substantial damage, but if you want to keep smoking, just buy a decent piece.
  16. RoBoWaLkEr

    RoBoWaLkEr Member

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    Well it's actually pretty airtight reeferman. It's a steamroller (you cover the other end of the tube with your hand while you're hitting it, then to get the rush you let go). Anyone else try this? I really think it's genious, even if for no other reason than you only need a pencil and a toilet paper tube. I mean, you could make a decent steamroller at school!
  17. Tune_man420

    Tune_man420 Member

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    hey jointman who sings that song on I can't find it any where and I love it
  18. PokeSmot

    PokeSmot Member

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    I've seen a bong made from one of those giant candy cane decorations you see at christmas
  19. GCandPfunk

    GCandPfunk Member

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    just use an apple... tin cans work ok too. but with the apple you can eat it when your done smokin.
  20. adoutsider

    adoutsider Member

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    Plumbing tube pieces, and a personal hobby is to make bongs outta interesting things, glass bottles from walmart(etc.) plastic tubing from a hardware store or aquarium section(Walmart again), Liquid nails(Or some other strong glue),

    For Bowls! Go to the hardware store, buy a socket, buy a nut that fits into the socket(The hex side), put screen between the two, and walla, a bowl! You can usualy find a nut that will work with just about any sized tubing or pen or w/e.

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