Some of the UK forums went on an adventure over Easter to Faslane Peace Camp Jamie is 'Man_In A Shed' (otherwise known as out-of-my-tree), Katherine is 'Ananael', Giles is 'Maon', Mia is 'miabubble' (otherwise known as hoplessromantic) and Aaron, Hussi and Scott are random people who live at Faslane Peace Camp. Jamie and Mia Random View Aaron, Jamie and Katherine on top of the bus Aaron,Jamie and Katherine sitting under Granny Oak Jamie washed his hair Scary door Jamie and Aaron by the base sign Classic Jamie shot Me and Katherine Attack of the Killer sleeping bags Aaron and Hussi Scott Giles getting wood Biscuits Jamie swinging off a tree Katherine in a tree Magic Lighter Jamie and Katherine...again
May i please comment that you are the ugliest son of a bitch i've ever seen? i hate you!!!! die you fucken hippies!!!! burn in hell you assholes
Xiola, Looks a bit like one of those Commune's you'd see back in the 60's ...... am I even close :sunglasse h