
Discussion in 'Anarchy' started by Shane99X, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. Shane99X

    Shane99X Senior Member

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    A.1 What is anarchism?
    1. A.1.1 What does "anarchy" mean?
      A.1.2 What does "anarchism" mean?
      A.1.3 Why is anarchism also called libertarian socialism?
      A.1.4 Are anarchists socialists?
      A.1.5 Where does anarchism come from?
    A.2 What does anarchism stand for?
    1. A.2.1 What is the essence of anarchism?
      A.2.2 Why do anarchists emphasise liberty?
      A.2.3 Are anarchists in favour of organisation?
      A.2.4 Are anarchists in favour of "absolute" liberty?
      A.2.5 Why are anarchists in favour of equality?
      A.2.6 Why is solidarity important to anarchists?
      A.2.7 Why do anarchists argue for self-liberation?
      A.2.8 Is it possible to be an anarchist without opposing hierarchy?
      A.2.9 What sort of society do anarchists want?
      A.2.10 What will abolishing hierarchy mean and achieve?
      A.2.11 Why do most anarchists support direct democracy?
      A.2.12 Is consensus an alternative to direct democracy?
      A.2.13 Are anarchists individualists or collectivists?
      A.2.14 Why is voluntarism not enough?
      A.2.15 What about Human Nature?
      A.2.16 Does anarchism require "perfect" people to work?
      A.2.17 Aren't most people too stupid for a free society to work?
      A.2.18 Do anarchists support terrorism?
      A.2.19 What ethical views do anarchists hold?
      A.2.20 Why are most anarchists atheists?
    A.3 What types of anarchism are there?
    1. A.3.1 What are the differences between individualist and social anarchists?
      A.3.2 Are there different types of social anarchism?
      A.3.3 What kinds of green anarchism are there?
      A.3.4 Is anarchism pacifistic?
      A.3.5 What is anarcha-feminism?
      A.3.6 What is Cultural Anarchism?
      A.3.7 Are there religious anarchists?
      A.3.8 What is "anarchism without adjectives"?
      A.3.9 What is anarcho-primitivism?

    A.4 Who are the major anarchist thinkers?
    1. A.4.1 Are there any thinkers close to anarchism?
      A.4.2 Are there any liberal thinkers close to anarchism?
      A.4.3 Are there any socialist thinkers close to anarchism?
      A.4.4 Are there any Marxist thinkers close to anarchism?
    A.5 What are some examples of "Anarchy in Action"?
    1. A.5.1 The Paris Commune.
      A.5.2 The Haymarket Martyrs.
      A.5.3 Building the syndicalist unions.
      A.5.4 Anarchists in the Russian Revolution.
      A.5.5 Anarchists in the Italian Factory Occupations.
      A.5.6 Anarchism and the Spanish Revolution.
      A.5.7 The May-June revolt in France, 1968.
  2. Shane99X

    Shane99X Senior Member

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  3. Shane99X

    Shane99X Senior Member

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  4. Shane99X

    Shane99X Senior Member

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  5. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    an-archy. from ancient greek. an=abscence of or negation.
    hierarchy=virtical regimentation, soverignty, all authoritarian forms of social organization, all assumptions of indispensibility of command structure, the pretense that soverignty is either neccessary or good or that anyone needs to be led.

    the truith of socialy organization is that infrastructure depends on it
    and familiar comfort zones depend on infrastructure
    but does social organization depend upon virtical dominance?

    what little evidence that it might would seem to be negated by how well
    many indiginous societies seemed to get along just fine without it

    there are even in this world, dispinte the unceasing efforts of vested intrests
    to remove the inconvenience to them of their existence, still are a few, doing so just fine.

    i won't give examples because i don't want to see powerful political forces destroying them just to 'prove' they cannot or do not exist.

  6. ChanginTimes

    ChanginTimes Member

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    Very ingenious idea to put the FAQ here. It's about time, I've been trying to get someone to do this on here for a couple years now!
  7. Dr Phibes

    Dr Phibes Banned

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    What is an anarchist book seller
    A capitalist in disguise
  8. Shane99X

    Shane99X Senior Member

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    Would make sence if the information provided wasn't FREE.

    Hardly a seller let alone a capitalist.
  9. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    none of the links in the first post work, maybe this should be unstickied?
  10. Joshoa

    Joshoa Member

    Likes Received:
    Seems like every link in this thread is broken. What a bummer!

    Pretty lame to have a sticky that does not work.
  11. GuerrillaLorax

    GuerrillaLorax along the peripheries of civilization

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  12. GuerrillaLorax

    GuerrillaLorax along the peripheries of civilization

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    Also the book Anarchy Works is written in a FAQ style:

    Anarchy Would Never Work

    What exactly is anarchism?

    A note on inspiration

    The tricky topic of representation

    Recommended Reading

    1. Human Nature

    Aren’t people naturally selfish?

    Aren’t people naturally competitive?

    Haven’t humans always been patriarchal?

    Aren’t people naturally warlike?

    Aren’t domination and authority natural?

    A broader sense of self

    Recommended Reading

    2. Decisions

    How will decisions be made?

    How will decisions be enforced?

    Who will settle disputes?

    Meeting in the streets

    Recommended Reading

    3. Economy

    Without wages, what is the incentive to work?

    Don’t people need bosses and experts?

    Who will take out the trash?

    Who will take care of the elderly and disabled?

    How will people get healthcare?

    What about education?

    What about technology?

    How will exchange work?

    What about people who don’t want to give up a consumerist lifestyle?

    What about building and organizing large, spread-out infrastructure?

    How will cities work?

    What about drought, famine, or other catastrophes?

    Meeting our needs without keeping count

    Recommended Reading

    4. Environment

    What’s to stop someone from destroying the environment?

    What about global environmental problems, like climate change?

    The only way to save the planet

    Recommended Reading

    5. Crime

    Who will protect us without police?

    What about gangs and bullies?

    What’s to stop someone from killing people?

    What about rape, domestic violence, and other forms of harm?

    Beyond individual justice

    Recommended Reading

    6. Revolution

    How could people organized horizontally possibly overcome the state?

    How do we know revolutionaries won’t become new authorities?

    How will communities decide to organize themselves at first?

    How will reparations for past oppressions be worked out?

    How will a common, anti-authoritarian, ecological ethos come about?

    A revolution that is many revolutions

    Recommended Reading

    7. Neighboring Societies

    Could an anarchist society defend itself from an authoritarian neighbor?

    What will we do about societies that remain patriarchal or racist?

    What will prevent constant warfare and feuding?

    Networks not borders

    Recommended Reading

    8. The Future

    Won’t the state just reemerge over time?

    What about other problems we can’t foresee?

    Making Anarchy Work

    Recommended Reading

    It Works When We Make It Work

  13. GuerrillaLorax

    GuerrillaLorax along the peripheries of civilization

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    There's also good ol' Crimethinc:

    Frequently Asked Questions about Anarchism
    What about human nature? Don’t we need laws and police and other authoritarian institutions to protect us from people with ill intent?

    If human beings are not good enough to do without authority, why should they be trusted with it?

    Or, if human nature is changeable, why should we seek to make people obedient rather than responsible, servile rather than independent, craven rather than courageous?

    Or, if the idea is that some people will always need to be ruled, how can we be sure that it will be the right ones ruling, since the best people are the most hesitant to hold power and the worst people are the most eager for it?

    The existence of government and other hierarchies does not protect us; it enables those of ill intent to do more damage than they could otherwise. The question itself is ahistorical: hierarchies were not invented by egalitarian societies seeking to protect themselves against evildoers. Rather, hierarchies are the result of evildoers seizing power and formalizing it. (Where did you thinkkings came from?) Any generalization we could make about “human nature” in the resulting conditions is sure to be skewed.

    So what would you do about people who only care about themselves, who are willing to do anything to others for their own benefit?

    What do we do with such people today? We offer them jobs as police, executives, politicians. We reward the bribable, the greedy, and the self-serving with positions of power and responsibility. Take away the rewards for such behavior, and the few who persist in it will pose considerably less harm.

    If there were no government, what would you do if a gang were terrorizing your community?

    Some people insist that they need a gang to be safe from gangs. That’s the logic of the protection racket. In fact, no one will be safe until we are able to defend ourselves against gangs without forming them ourselves. What we need instead are networks of mutual aid and self-defense that do not concentrate power, but disperse it.

    But in spaces where government has broken down, like Somalia or Camden, New Jersey, we often see incredible violence.

    The state is not the only hierarchical force. When it collapses, all the other hierarchies that developed under its protection erupt into conflict, along with all the hierarchical groups that developed in the conditions of competition and artificial scarcity that it imposed. Without the state, you can still have sexism, racial privilege, local warlords. And if there’s anything worse than being ruled by a single government, it’s when multiple authoritarian organizations are contending to dominate you.

    Anarchists oppose all hierarchies, not just the state. Where statists seek to suppress conflict by imposing a monopoly on violence, anarchists seek to resolve conflict by undoing all monopolies in order that a horizontal balance of power can emerge. The problem in the world’s warzones is not too much anarchy, but too little.

    What about the tragedy of the commons?

    Supposedly, the tragedy of the commons is that when things are shared, selfish people destroy them or take them for themselves. That certainly describes the behavior of colonizers and corporations! The question for everyone else is not how to do away with commons, but how to defend them. Privatization does not protect against the tragedy of losing the things we share—it imposes it. The solution is not more individualization, but better collectivity.

    Isn’t equality impossible, except equality before the law?

    Abolishing hierarchy does not mean forcing uniformity on people. Only a truly invasive state could compel everyone to be perfectly equal, as in the story of Harrison Bergeron. Rather, the point is to do away with all the artificial mechanisms that impose power imbalances. If power were dispersed in many different forms, rather than concentrated in a few universal currencies, a single asymmetry in abilities would not give anyone a systematic advantage over anyone else.

    As for equality before the law—so long as there are law books, courts, and police officers, there will be no equality. All these institutions create power imbalances: between the legislators and the governed, between the judges and the judged, between the enforcers and their victims. Giving some people power over other people is no way to make anyone equal. Only voluntary relations between free beings can produce anything like equality.

    But if we overthrow the government without offering something to take its place, what’s to stop something really nasty from filling the power vacuum?

    That’s the mantra of those who are working up the nerve to be really nasty themselves. The really ruthless usually tell you that they are there to protect you from other ruthless people; often, they are telling themselves the same thing.

    If we were powerful enough to overthrow one government, we would be powerful enough to prevent the ascendance of another, provided we weren’t tricked into rallying around some new authority. What should take the place of the government is not another formalized power structure, but cooperative relationships that can meet our needs while keeping new would-be rulers at bay.

    From the vantage point of the present, no one can imagine creating a stateless society, though many of the problems we face will not be solved any other way. In the meantime, we can at least open spaces and times and relations outside the control of the authorities.

    A society without government might work on a small scale, but we live in a globalized world with a population of billions.

    Let no one speak of a problem of scale without attempting to expand the autonomous spaces and struggles that exist today. We will find out what is possible in practice, not in idle speculation. There are horizontal networks, such as peer-to-peer sharing, that span the whole globe; if there are not more, it is because most of them have been deliberately stamped out. The problem of scale is not that anarchy is impossible outside small groups, but that we are taking on the most powerful regimes in the history of the solar system.

    But why call yourself an anarchist? Doesn’t that just alienate people?

    It is not enough just to say you are in favor of freedom. Even dictators say as much. The same goes for saying you are against the state; there are “libertarians” who claim they want to abolish government but preserve the economic inequalities it imposes. Using the same language as those who have a completely different agenda can reinforce the effectiveness of their rhetoric while obscuring what sets your ideas apart.

    Words pose questions. We shouldn’t shrink from spelling out the questions we most want to ask. The word “anarchist” makes certain questions inescapable: What does it mean to live without rule? Which kinds of power are liberating, and which are oppressive? How do we take on the hierarchies of our day?

    If we hesitate to use the word “anarchist,” the authorities will use it as an accusation to delegitimize anyone who makes headway against them, and we will have no answer except to distance ourselves from the very things we want. It is better to legitimize the concept in advance, so other people can understand what we want and what the stakes are. As anathema as it may be to some, there is no shortcut when it comes to challenging the values of a society.

    At this point in history, anarchism is practically the only value system without a genocide on its record. As obedience and competition produce diminishing returns, many people are looking for another way to understand the world and express what they want. Indeed, as previously distinct power structures consolidate into a global web, resistance will have to be anarchist if it is to exist at all.

    It’s all right to protest peacefully, as long as you don’t do anything violent.

    From the perspective of a statist society, violence is simply illegal force. Inside this framework, most actions that perpetuate the prevailing hierarchies are not considered violent, while a wide range of actions that threaten those in power qualify as violence. This explains why it isn’t called violence when factories pump carcinogens into rivers or prisons incarcerate millions of people, while sabotaging a factory or resisting arrest are deemed violent. From this perspective, practically anything that endangers the ruling order is sure to be seen as violent.

    If the real problem with violence is that it is destructive, then what about destructive acts that prevent greater destruction from taking place? Or, if the problem with violence is that it is not consensual, what about nonconsensual actions that prevent coercion from occurring? Defending oneself against tyrants necessarily means violating their wishes—we can’t wait for the entire human race to reach consensus before we are entitled to act. Rather than letting the laws determine what forms of action are legitimate, we have to make these decisions for ourselves, using whatever power is at our disposal to maximize the freedom and wellbeing of all who share this world.

    It follows that the most important ethical and strategic question about any action is not whether it is violent, or legal, or coercive, but rather, how does it distribute power?

    Do you really think you can make a difference?

    We can’t know in advance what effect our actions will have. We can only find out by trying. That means we owe it to ourselves to hazard the experiment.

    Perhaps it appears that everyone around you is satisfied with the status quo, or at least that they have decided it is not worth trying to change it. But when you act, even if you act alone, you change the context in which others make decisions. This is why individual actions can sometimes set off massive chain reactions.

    It’s true that the revolutionaries of previous generations did not succeed in establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth, but imagine what kind of world we would live in if not for them. (Shoplifting doesn’t abolish property, either, but think how much poorer the poor of all times would have been if not for it.) Spaces of freedom aren’t just created by successful revolutions—they appear in every struggle against tyranny. Freedom is not something that waits beyond the horizon of the future; it is made up of all the moments throughout history when people have acted according to their consciences.

    But isn’t this utopian? Isn’t it better to be practical?

    We may never arrive at a condition of pure anarchy. But the real significance of any utopia is in the way it enables us to act in the present. Utopias take on flesh as the social currents they mobilize and steer. The purpose of a vision of the future is to anchor and orient you here and now. It is like a sextant you point towards the stars on the horizon in order to navigate by them. You may never leave the surface of the earth, but at least you know where you’re going.

    As for what is practical, that depends on what you want. If you want the current order to persist forever, or at least until it renders the planet uninhabitable, you should meekly propose minor reforms that might stabilize it. If you want to see fundamental changes, the only practical approach is to be clear about what you want from the outset. Often, the only way to make even a small change is to begin by aiming at a big one.
  14. rasta g child

    rasta g child flower power

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    we1 b in heaven day1

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