FAQ about Taoism

Discussion in 'Taoism' started by Meagain, Mar 17, 2005.

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  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    What is Taoism?
    Taoism is considered to be founded by Lao-Tzu, or Old Master, over 2,000 years ago. It is a lifestyle that attempts to achieve harmony with the environment.

    Who was Lao Tzu?
    Lao Tzu is believed to have been the historian in charge of the archives in Chou. When he had reached an advanced age he decided to leave his post and retire to the mountains. Upon arriving at the gates of the empire a guard persuaded him to write down all of his knowledge, after which he was never seen again. This became known as the Tao Te Jing (dOW-de-ching).

    What is the "Tao"?
    Tao means “way” in Chinese. However, in Taoism it means the Ultimate, Infinite Absolute, self-sustaining and self-organizing, Nature. Tao is something that exists before the universe is formed.

    Is Taoism a religion or philosophy?
    Taoism can be described as both a philosophy and a religion depending on who is attempting the description and what they are describing as 'Taoism'. It became one of the schools of philosophy among the 'Zhu Zhi Bai Jia' between Chou and Qin Dynasty. It transformed to a religion during the Han Dynasty.

    Do Taoist believe in God?
    Religious Taoism has a pantheon of gods, which represent different aspects of the Tao. These gods do not create the Tao but are seen as representations of natural emanations.
    There are two categories: those of the Prior Heavens, and those of the Posterior Heavens. The Prior Heavens do not change and represent the sources of life, primordial breath, and blessing in the world of the Posterior Heavens. The Posterior Heavens do change and are divided into three groups: Heaven, the world of nature and man, and the underworld hidden beneath the oceans. The Posterior Heavens are governed by the change of seasons and the continuously revolving interaction of yin and yang.

    Do Taoists think that everything is God?
    A tree is "just" a tree. However, it is also a manifestation of the Ultimate Reality, which "desires" to express itself in this place and time as a tree. It has evolved on the earth to live under certain conditions from the indefinite past making it an individual tree. So, insofar as it is useful to think of the tree as a source of shade or wood, it is simply a tree.

    Does this mean that Taoism reduces God to nature and matter?
    There is no "reducing" involved. In Taoism there is from the beginning one reality, or nature, from which divinity has been artificially separated off.

    What are the four major Texts of Taoism?
    The Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu
    Chuang-Tzu, by Chuang-Tzu
    Lieh-Tzu, by Lieh-Tzu
    Wen-Tzu, by Wen-Tzu

    What is the Daozang?
    The Daozang is a collection of texts often described as the Taoist bible.

    Are there any Taoist churches?
    The Zhengyi and the Quanzhen sect comprise the two main Taoist churches.

    How do I become a Taoist?
    There is no central Taoist authority in the world today. Anyone can declare himself or herself a Taoist if they follow the Taoist tradition. One can also join a Taoist religious denomination. One can be a "Christian Taoist" or a "Taoist Christian". Zen or Ch'an Buddhism is essentially a kind of Taoist Buddhism or Buddhist Taoism.

    What is Yin-Yang?
    A Yin and Yang symbol represents the opposite forces of nature, which are in conflict but yet complement, each other. 'Yin' represents all the negative elements (e.g. night, cool, etc); 'Yang' represents the positive element (e.g. day, hot, etc). Yin and Yang are always equal in harmony and form.

    What is Wu-Wei?

    Wu-Wei has been interpreted as 'non-doing' or 'do nothing'. It actually means to not interrupt nature to achieve your own goal.

    What is Taoist Alchemy?
    Ancient Taoists were interested in health and vitality; they experimented with herbal medicine and pharmacology, developed principles of macrobiotic cooking, and systems of gymnastics and massage to keep the body strong and youthful.

    Are Taoists vegetarians?
    Traditional Taoists were usually not vegetarians. However, the most important modern Taoist denomination, the Yi-kuan Tao is strongly vegetarian. This was “learned” from the Buddhists.

    Do Taoist have moral codes and social concerns?
    Taoism stresses the Three Virtues: Caring Love (ts'e), Moderation and Ambitionless ness. Aggressive warfare, capital punishment and exploitation of the poor by the rich were all discouraged by Lao-tzu. However, Taoism mistrusts the value of constant talk about love and other positive virtues, as this leads too easily to hypocrisy and the artificial imitation of virtues, which come naturally if they are not perverted.

    Are Taoist pacifists?
    Lao-tzu recognized that sometimes defense of self or others from aggression is necessary. He recommended using the enemy's aggressiveness against himself. Chinese martial arts have been influenced by this doctrine. Taoism is both peace loving and realistic.

    These questions are offered as a simple introduction to Taoism.
    They are presented as an opportunity for further exploration and understanding. No claim is made as to their accuracy or validity.
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