Evil Bastards

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Mallyboppa, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The people responsible for this must be really trying to get to people like us. Otherwise they wouldn't do such atrocious stuff. Lack of active conscience or a conviction that the goal justifies the means could be why some people can and actually want to pull stuff like this off.

    Now, what is the goal?
  3. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I really don't understand why the parents didn't just martyr themselves

  4. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Poor poor children, wonder how or what can make you take a child's life?
    I hope they never sleep again!

    I don't care how scared those women are who give their children up to these evil bastards, they are as much to blame! Those little faces!

    Burn in hell! I would willingly light the touch paper!

    What right do you have you evil bastards!
    1 person likes this.
  5. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Ugh, That' s So Tragic and Disgusting.
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    They're cowards

    Just disgusting
  7. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    Translation Video 1
    left out the scripture and sectarian cursing.

    video with mother
    Father (cameraman): Im Nimr (Mother of Nimr) saying goodbye to her daughters, Islam 7 years old and Fatimah 8 years old. Im Nimr, peace be upon you, say something to the muslims.

    Mother: Be patient.

    F: Why are you sending your daughters? One is 7 and the other is 8, they're young for Jihad.

    M: No one is too young for Jihad, because now Jihad is a duty for every muslim. The young, women, men.

    F: you're right, god bless you. May God accept your daughters , may god be pleased with you. Takbir!

    Daughters and Mother: Allahu Ackbar!

    F: May god be pleased with you, Baba. [Daughters hug mother] Come on, let them go. Go fight in the name of god, invade for god's sake.

    Translation video 2
    I left out the scripture and sectarian cursing.

    video with father

    Father: [inaudible over nasheed - sorry]

    Daughter 1: I'm going to do a suicide mission

    F: where?

    D1: Damascus

    F: Damascus? You're young, you're 9 years old, why don't you leave this to the men? The men escaped? They went on the green buses?

    D1: yes

    F: You want to surrender so that you're raped and killed by the infidels?

    D1: no

    F: You want to kill them, no? We're a glorious religion, not a religion of humiliation, isn't that so Baba?

    D1: Inshallah

    F: Inshallah, [turns to second daughter] Islam my darling, you're going to carry out Jihad today?

    D2: Inshallah

    F: You won't be scared, right?

    D2: [nods] inaudible

    F: You won't be scared, because you're going to God, isn't that right?

    D2: [nods] inaudible

    F: Thank god, say Allahu Ackbar

    D1 & D2: Allahu Ackbar!

    F: Thank god [recites scripture and makes dua]
  8. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Probably financed and armed by the CIA.
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Let's just all hope that, there is peace in their afterlife. :)

    We all like to take shots and insult religion, we all like to offer our condolences when we hear about these things happening, and we blame the religion and declare it's a facade. But then the children die for nothing.

    I think it's better to believe they died for something, whether right or wrong, but that they're taken care of in their afterlife. :)
  10. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    What a pitiful justification for the loss of children's lives from you.
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  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Was it really a justification? I don't believe so.

    I at least know that wholeheartedly my heart is in the right place with what I wrote. I hope they have safe journey into the afterlife. That was basically it in a nutshell. I'm sorry you don't feel the same way.
  12. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    If there is an afterlife I hope there is someone there To pay back the Parents for this Obscene act !
    And that this punishment never ends Poor Kids !
  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Ok, I have to ask the question

    When is the last time you saw a non-muslim do something like this?

    Its wrong to generalize supposedly, blah blah blah

    But seriously, what the fuck, whether its something like this, or videos or kids forced to shoot captured soldiers, or some guy holding up a severed head.....whens the last time it wasnt some hillbilly muslim?

    Islam is a religion of piece......a piece of an arm.....a piece of a brain....a femur here a femur there
    2 people like this.
  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I never saw anybody do something like this. You?

    Just because we mainly see muslims doing such things in the media these days doesn't mean a christian, hindu, atheist or whatever can't do such atroicious stuff. It also doesn't say anything about other muslims. That's the trick with generalisations. They may seem right when you put it in one way, but they obviously fail to work when tried to apply on all people drawn in such a generalisation.

    So yes, some christians (or jews, hindus or atheists for that matter) can just be as unpleasant and atrocious: they merely need to be in a situation that brings them to such a thing. Most won't do such a thing, even put in such a situation, but the thing is: same counts for most muslims :p
  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    But is it actually true?

    How many war crimes committed by jews in the last two thousand years, they supposedly want to wipe out palestine, so why dont you see a whole bunch of Israelites taking selfies with the heads of palestinians?

    You want to pretend its all equal, its not equal man, a difference based on race, no, a difference based on culture, hell yes
    3 people like this.
  16. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    What exactly? That the fact that most suicide bombers are muslim doesn't say much about the other muslims? Yes, seems true.

    I don't pretend that people with other religious or political affiliations are committing just as much terrorist crimes these days as muslims. I don't pretend that the numbers are equal. You are misinterpreting me if you read that in my posts.
    What I say is 1) that it is mostly muslims committing terrorist crimes doesn't mean the muslim in my street (or the average muslim from or in a country like Syria for instance) is prone to becoming a terrorist or to committing a murder or torturing their kids in a way like the OP. and 2) Yes, if you look good you can find that some weird christian cultist also tortures their kid in ths day and age. But there we can all much sooner acknowledge it was an anomaly, a crazy person, not something we have to fear christians in general for. The people of terrorist organisations like IS have more in common with disturbed cultists too than with an average peaceful law abiding muslim. And who did you see taking selfies with the heads of their victims? Normal muslim citizens? Or members of IS? Can't you see any difference?

    About that stuff regarding isrealites: that is hilarious. If you look good you can easily find true stories of israelic jews committing atrocities to palestines (and vice versa). Just because you mainly see about muslim terrorism on the news doesn't mean the rest is totally absent or a secret. If you really missed all of that (or wanna act like you did) you frankly disappoint me a bit.
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  17. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Happens in Africa all the time, Pol Pot also used children the same way, Russia trained loads of kids to be sleeper agents. Fairly common for 'freedom fighters' the world over ...... they can't afford drones and nukes, they use what they have.

    NATO countries don't do it much (at the moment), but the whole world isn't NATO.
  18. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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  19. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Yeah, but notice you have to go back to Pol Put, 40 years ago to drum up anytype of example in Asia. That's a shitload of people co-existing for 4 decades, billions, no severed heads
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  20. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    Just a thought, those two girls are probably better off dead when you look at the life they would have lead once married at the age of 13 (sold into slavery) and were willing to end the misery which is their life. Puberty is when they can marry which could mean when they get pubic hairs or period? The mother who hugged them probably whispered, end the misery of your life now, you don't want to live like me in a life that is not a life... servitude, slavery, clit removed, no pleasure in sex because only men are to enjoy it... and enjoy life. go and blow yourself up and never feel sad again.

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