btw love young peace.. i didnt mean to call you a slut ... i am truly sorry- it's more the way the assholes on here treat you at times... sorry again
Everybody Should Have a "The Big Lebowski" Quote in Their Signature not really.... but if you do, that's great!
there was a point to it. but loveyoungpeace has always been nice to me.. i meant it about juggalo really. not about her and it didnt really sound like that. kay?
Just to make sure, are you talking to me or in some way trying to say takemenow has no pubic hair cause it's hard to tell with you being so fucking retarded
I have to agree with Juggalo here... you're pretty much an all-around jackass/bitch. I'd say that his attitude towards you is justified...
haha, that's cool. i kinda like that.. that's kinky but really, you dont know me. whether or not you know him, i dont know.
You said that this is somehow about me. You are a fucking idiot so why don't you just die and torture your dead friend brian for a while. I wonder if he killed himself cause I could see why he'd want to knowing you and all.
I'm for II on this one. I think we should start viking armies and charge at each like the vikings in the Capitol One commercials. (Don't ask where that came from, it looked funny in my head so I put it down)