That your sexual encounter together was really meaningful/important to them? This guy I had sex with twice 12 years ago recently friended me on facebook. He told me at the time that he had thought about me a bunch and had looked for me around town. I don't really know what he meant by "looked for me" maybe just kept his eyes open to spot me, I know I've felt like that before, like there's a person I'd love to bump into. A couple months later, he messaged me and proceeded to tell me just how well he remembers. I only remember the anecdotal version whereby we had torn down the shower curtain, heard my ex (his roommate) coming home from work, darted to the separate bedrooms and my ex comes in the room and I'm just dripping from the shower, naked with no towel. It was comical. That and he's the biggest I've ever had, so you don't forget that. But he said I taught him how to eat pussy, said he "owes me a lifetime of pleasing other women" (whatever that means, it's cute though). He said I had the sweetest smelling and tasting pussy like he could "fall asleep in my crotch and not wake up like damn it smells like pussy in here" :2thumbsup: The very sweetest thing he said was, "I'm just happy as hell to see you've grown into this beautiful woman and are a caring loving Mom. Little things like that make life kick ass along the way" Oh and this: "I'm gonna hug you for like a whole day when I see you one day" I don't know, I just thought it was super sweet to hear how he felt about us hooking up so many years ago.
Yes, that is wonderful reconnecting with old lovers, especially on such a positive note. You should hook up again, it would probably be great fun! I still remember my first lovers and would love to see them again.
Do men actually say this or feel this way, because no, no I haven't, even in my most sincere relationships, guys just don't think that way about sex-- women do.
Wait. Yeah, now that I actually READ the whole thing (no I didn't read that shit at first) --- it does sound quite creepy and just non realistic. Or weird. Like he's weirdo.
I didn't really think the story was creepy when I initially read it, but I would honestly HATE if someone from my past contacted me and started talking explicitly about our sexual past. It would actually really creep me out. Maybe a little innuendo here and there could be cute and flirtatious, but getting really into details about something that happened 12 years ago is a little strange.
I don't think it's creepy. Well I wondered at first when he said he looked for me what the hell he meant by that, but he's not stalking me. We are not even in the same state anymore. All that stuff just came out in the conversation and I loved that he had such fond memories of it. Even though it wasn't very meaningful to me at the time it happened, haha. Makes me feel like I left a good footprint somewhere in the world.
But also, I'm obviously the type that doesn't mind talking about sex when I'm bored. The start of the conversation was basically like "Do you remember me?" Me: "I remember tearing down a shower curtain with you."