Europe seeks to limit use of AI in society

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Joshua Tree, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    Europe seeks to limit use of AI in society

    I'm glad that Europe is taking the lead in addressing this issue. The EU has many faults, but they are good on protecting people's rights.
    colloquial likes this.
  2. Gangster19

    Gangster19 Members

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    AI scares me. I think one thing that frightens me most is that it IS eventually going to happen and it WILL be used. One famous scientist said that it will probably come to decide we are either a threat which must be eliminated or something like domestic animals to be used.
    Joshua Tree likes this.
  3. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    I could see that happening a long way in the future. In the meantime I’m worried about facial surveillance and profiling, especially of those who governments don’t like or see as a threat to the establishment or have political views they don’t like.
  4. colloquial

    colloquial Members

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    AI scares me as well.

    Not sure how I feel about Mankind manipulating Mother Nature
  5. Graham Of Bewdley

    Graham Of Bewdley Members

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    Self preservation is the primary goal of all species. There may be a few exceptions, such as people giving up their place in the lifeboat for their wife or child, or soldiers going on suicidal missions, but in general, it is true.
    If AI becomes truly self aware then surely it will do whatever it takes to prevent itself being switched off.
    colloquial likes this.

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