Equal Rights For The Transgendered.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jimbee68, Feb 3, 2025 at 9:35 AM.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    People keep saying that women assigned male at birth will be allowed to compete in women's sports. Like I keep telling people, equal rights for transgendered people doesn't mean they can compete in sports. It just means they have equal rights in every other way.

    People who say that are using the same strategy Phyllis Schlafly used in the 70s and 80s to block the Equal Rights Amendment for women. She said that women would drafted and forced into the military. No they wouldn't. The Supreme Court has said that, while many groups deserve all the rights that everyone else has, some groups are a little different. A group that is in no way different and is entitled to all the same rights as anyone else without question is suspect classification, according to the court. But other groups, like women, are not a true suspect classification. They deserve equal rights, and maybe are a quasi-suspect classification. So for this reason women could never be forced to physically compete with other men in a place like the military. And the Supreme Court has been saying this since at least the 70s.

    And Phyllis Schlafly knew better than this. She had a bachelors' degree in law and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa at her college. She was just trying scare people by spreading ignorance. Today everyone is ignorant of the facts. The politicians, the media and the public. So it's hard to tell how that false rumor above about transgendered competing in sports got started. But little bit of advice. In the future, maybe you should check your facts before you start denying a group equal rights.
  2. Laker06

    Laker06 Senior Member

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    A question of clarification-- by saying "women assigned male at birth" do you mean a Male? Someone born with a penis?
  3. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    So not equal? Yeah, we know that.

    Also, I know a lot of people who don't know much about the topic like to chime in for debate--it's important to them, just not important enough for any research--but hormone replacement therapy renders this argument moot. After a year of feminizing hormones, there is no physiological difference between trans women and cis women.

    Most adult recreation sports leagues recognize this. They confir with doctors.

    The issue isn't whether or not trans women belong in sports; it's whether or not trans girls at the high school level have a biological advantage, because--contrary to the right's propaganda--it is pretty rare for a minor to be transitioning medically beyond puberty blockers.

    Ignorant fear mongers would have you believe four year olds are having gender reassignment surgery--against their will, of course.

    But here in reality, children aren't medically transitioning. Again, the only thing routine for trans youths are puberty blockers. This means a 15 year old trans girl is no more masculine than her cisgender counterpart.

    The right must've figured that out at some point. So now they've banned puberty blockers, essentially forcing trans kids into the horrors of puberty of a gender they do not identify as. They're forcing trans girls to endure male puberty and then telling them they can't play sports because of it.

    It serves nothing but to terrorize an already vulnerable demographic. Imagine forcing a child to do something, and then denying them what they want as punishment for what you forced upon them.

    Any word on those egg prices?
  4. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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  5. goatrope

    goatrope Members

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    They are still human -- so they should have equal protection under the law.
    Judge Roy Bean - West of the Pecos
  6. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Fascists always require a scapegoat to vilify. Trump and his cult are doing to Trans folk what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews.
    princess peedge likes this.

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