Hey there! I stumbled across this place a while ago, searching for some drug related stuff (cant really remember what it really was about) and bookmarked it. Now i registered and I hope to learn a lot, to contribute and to get to know you people I got a long bus ride with free wifi ahead of me tomorrow and I hope to explore this place a bit...right now i'm already struggling to get my own avatar uploaded (hints are welcome ). Greetings Ttd77
You need to make like 20-25 posts to start unlocking features. I think you have to pay for custom avatars. Hey there! Hope you have fun, come talk trash in stoners lounge. =]
Make some more post and you should be able to use most feature you may find you are missing. And welcome.
Hi there, I'm fairly new, haven't unlocked anything yet but am enjoying exploring (even if I am supposed to be working)