
Discussion in 'Buddhism' started by beyondtheastral, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    [SIZE=medium]Here are a couple of questions :[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]What do Buddhists mean by Enlightenment? [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]Has any Buddhist ever testified that they are Enlightened?[/SIZE]
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  2. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    For me it's about being on the path,what I consider to be the right path for ME.I have periods where I feel I am RELATIVELY enlightened,but it is hard to maintain.Maybe the conceptual problem with it is that it is set up as being some unattainable state wherein you have no problems,are at peace with everything and have perfect karma.It is also arguable that attaining enlightenment in post-modern consumer capitalism is impossible,by definition.Also remember our "Enlightenment" would be a translation of an original Indian or Chinese word,and different cultures have different ways of conceptualizing meaning.

    The object of Zen is to achieve enlightenment in a sudden instant,perhaps after many many years of practicing.Some Buddhist texts are however very intellectual,and to my mind represent an almost existential philosophy,which upon initial reading appear to verge on the nihilistic.

    For me,enlightenment is only possible by creating compassion for everyone and everything,understanding your karma,practicing right thought,letting go of self-cherishing and the glamour mindset and seeing deeply into the essential stillness and emptiness of ultimate reality.There are si many strands to Buddhism,and you may not have to accept all if it unconditionally to find it helpful.

    Some might say only Buddha was enlightened and that you are by definition a Buddha if you are enlightened.I think people come to Buddhism because they are suffering,and wish to reduce the cause of that suffering.The realization of this process is possible.
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  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    There are lots of ways to answer this question.

    I will choose one:

    To be enlightened means to be completely awake about the nature of your grasping and suffering, and totally aware of the reality of your non-being in every instant, as well as being present in every moment. Phew, maybe I'll just try that whole born again christian thing! pledge allegiance to a 2,000 year old jewish carpenter and you're set for eternity :D
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  4. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    Thank youboth for your input - I have received many similar answers. I find the following very profound

    "I attained Enlightenment or moksha, the final state called Nirvakilpa Samadhi, a Samadhi without a seed. My Enlightenment came not just from meditation, it is the result of grace from the Master and co-operation on my part with his Grace that set me free. I was shocked to find that the identity I had before Enlightenment never existed, it was only a collection of environments. I realized that my true nature was Absolute, Infinite, it is never born and never dies. I sat and witnessed that God being Absolute, it is not trapped in the Universe and nothing can contain God. Because it is undifferentiated and has no parts, the idea of an individual soul is the greatest fallacy invented by Religion."

    This is what I understand to be a true spiritual path - a precise and repeatable result.

    Here is the reference:

  5. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    those who are enlightened have really fine senses of humor since to be enlightened means to be liberated or unencumbered

    so lighten up bitch
    that's your first step


    now more specifically enlightenment is a catch all phrase and I cannot discern from what part of the tripitaka it comes from. i think the real word used has always been nirvana which is a state of cessation of ones perpetual negative tendencies such that one can now act free from bias, prejudice, mental, emotional, physical baggage.

    different schools of buddhism consider the value of that in different ways, some seeking to escape this world entirely and good riddance, while others want to be freed from perpetual negative conditioning (vritti - samskara) so as too best help the sentient.

    liberation is a more fine word - enlightenment i am pretty sure is based more in patanjali and the yogic schools

    and then there is the light of the mind and the light quality of the truely spiritual - they are clear and kind and care - those are the qualities

    not the robes, money, furror, following

    there's a hindu guru i like who i donated to once and mentioned i didn't have a job and he refunded my money - i also called him up in the middle of the night to get blessing for shodashi mantra which he gave, he also emailed me and made sure i got it right - then once one of his followers was angry at me for not making donations and i complained to this guru and he said, sorry, and he didn't need any money he was well cared for and nearing the end of his span - please forgive his overzealous follower

    that is right behaviour - he may not be buddhist - some buddhist could learn from him
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  6. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    As stated there are several interpretations of what Enlightenment is; to me the highest form is “Infinite(or God/ Absolute) consciousness” , as described by

    The Buddha stated there is no Self – and as such it has nothing to do with mind, knowledge, ethics etc.

    It certainly is encouraging that some teachers will not charge if a person does not have resources and is truly seeking – however that does not mean to say that they are Enlightened.

    To me a true Guru is quit specific about the level they have attained – and more importantly that they enabled others to attain the same state, if they haven’t my advice is find a new Guru.
  7. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    you asked

    if you just anted to lecture us you should have said so

    as for there being no moral quality to a liberated state

    ou're fucking dead wrong

    but your thinking is completely average on the topic
    just typical

    people who think like you have killed the Eastern ideals that we old hippies used to dream about
  8. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    “The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about” Wayne Dyer

    States of consciousness have nothing to do with personality , morals etc. Period.

    Ask anybody who has attained the state and they will educate you – or you can just continue with your myopic view and remain in ignorance.
  9. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    What is the same is the same and what is different is not the same. Ignorance is ignorance simply whether it be a refusal to look or anxiety over conditions.
    A good teachers desire is not that his student be like him but that he himself should be no longer needed. A reflection on morals is a state of consciousness and the formation of personality is an act of consciousness. Consciousness is the light by which we see all things. To be enlightened is to see, Wonder of wonders we are all enlightened!
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  10. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    Consciousness is not a self-created state and is not aware of itself – the mind does not get enlightened. True Enlightenment is an infinite state and as such does not need or do anything.
    As stated you should ask an Enlightened being instead of making assumptions about the state – look at what you know for a fact, not what you have read.

    “The only elevation you get form a book is by standing on it, the only illumination is by burning it”
  11. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Consciousness is a shared state. Knowledge is being shared or shared being. There is no separate self as we are an effect of communication inherent in matter, absorption, reflection and polarity. I don't learn by the book, I learn by the look, taste, and feel of creaturehood and I resist the habit of assumption. The mind by it's nature and cause is enlightened. There is no need and there is no need for you to nay say as your claim on enlightenment is every bit self centered as it is your claim and by virtue of your claim you would deny me entry. The only thing you will achieve by trying to stand above me is to loose your balance.

    Pray tell then, who is the enlightened one I should choose to be my guide?
  12. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    >> . There is no separate self as we are an effect ....
    Budhha stated there is no self

    >> The mind by it's nature and cause is enlightened.
    No it's not - the mind is not infinite and is therefore mortal

    >>Pray tell then, who is the enlightened one I should choose to be my guide?
    Go here and ask your questions
  13. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    The statement there is no self is a level of identification on the face of it regardless what "buddha says"

    Mortality is not finite.

    I asked one specific question who? First you tell me that the only elevation I would get from books is from standing on them and then tell my my questions would be answered by reading a blog. I see now you meant the only elevation I would get is on not reading the right books. Are you the writer of said blog?
  14. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    Mortality is finite - what an oxymoron - look it up in the dictionary "the state or condition of being subject to death"

    That which is inifite is eternal - as it has no begining or ends

    I am not the writer of the blog, I know the writer and several others who all testify to having attained the state - and what is more they can back up what they say as they have students that have also atatined the state.
  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Rejection.....If one is to use science in this term....some particles reject each other....while others attract.....there is no right or wrong about it....and if keep being told differently...feels like brainwash or trying to shove you agenda down someone else's throat. Trueness is freedom....you are free, and allow me to be....not that you can allow or disallow really, as I will go my own way no matter.
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  16. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Death is not finite it is a redistribution of energy. To attain is to have a beginning and an ending and I thought you said enlightenment is not a self referential state. People have told me that have benefited in knowing me and that is not from my effort but my presence. You and your friends are a social club. My motto is know thyself.
  17. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    Social club??

    We are about meditation we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk.
    I consider myself a mediocre meditator, I was given then energy to enable me to sit down for 10 days 15hrs a day this year – we know what we are talking about when it comes to meditation

    [SIZE=11pt]“Wisdom is from revelation not publication “[/SIZE]
  18. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes social club or another name would be community or sangha. It is not ignorant to belong. Who doesn't walk and talk or sit? Do you think it enlightened to consider yourself mediocre when you suggest there is no self? It is self contradictory. If you can meditate for one minute you can meditate for two and if for two then for many multiples of ten and on but can you tell me which of those minutes is important?
  19. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Just a couple quotes:

  20. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    Thanks everybody for the input and those that made contact outside of this thread asking for guidance.

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