ok... tomorrow... im getting an emo cut O_O im scared i may not look good with short hair ahahah shit happens :H. im gonna take adobe photoshop and edit emo girls' hairzzz onto my head wheee.... :H
I might just grow a shaggy mohawk on top of my semi-bald head. Samaire Armstrong did that and it looks wicked.
someone tell me if id look ok with short hair O_O i dont wanna walk into this blindly ahahha im gonna freak out if i end up looking like a guy
I like your hair...its fun and wavy everywhere. Especially fun when dancing. Like by that bench when we made friends with that one guy.
hair is involved....... I think you'd look silly w\ emo hair shelly...... of course I wear clothes from the vietnam war, what do I know about fashion?
i used to take tapestries and wrap them around my shoulders and head over and over during the winter to keep warm ahah
but monseuir bot, how usual are either of us? and isn't fashion a function of the group mind of the plebian?
please allow me to look up the word "plebian" first... ok, well, yes, yes it is...and yes, yes we are...man, i with skaters didnt take tight pants away, i love tight pants....i dont like you skater people, not one bit