Who's it gonna be? I don't like Hilary (sociopathic murderer, corruption) and I'm highly suspicious of Ted Cruz (too much public Jesusing).
You're putting the cart before the horse. It's the 2014 election next year that's going to make a BIG change.
I can't beleive I just gave hangover a thumbs up. He is correct. We have so many issues to address before then. Hell, Mr. Putin might be in the White House at that point in time. You go oby!!!! Seriously ; Gary Johnson / Rand Paul. Cleanse the republicant party with good free market , Individual Liberty values.
Hillary is a massive **** and I hate her. I'd vote republican before I'd vote for her. I might be able to vote for Warren though. Any sign that she is running?
Warren supports universal health care. Sadly, she would probably gladly send your taxes overseas to insure future democrats in 3rd world nations. Now that's universal. oby's next step?
Banks or Wall St. have never bothered me. I don't really deal with them. I don't need liz warren watching out for me. LOL. What I do need is a limited fed that allows Constitutional Fundamentalism.
Rand is agood candidate. His Father raised him well. I am , however , concerned about his willingness to releive illegals of their criminal responsibility. obycare + illegals = the perfect economic haulocaust. Beware.
I'd like to see Ron Paul on the Libertarian ticket. I know that's not gonna happen but as I see it that's the only chance any of the "third parties" have at getting 5% of the popular vote.