Economic Rights.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jimbee68, Dec 20, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    what percentage of modern constitutions have economic rights?

    According to data from the Comparative Constitutions Project, a significant majority, over 80%, of modern constitutions include some form of economic rights, with most democratic constitutions now enshrining at least some level of economic protections for citizens, like the right to property or work.

    Many people in the US today, mostly conservatives, say that there is nothing in the US Constitution about economic rights, and there shouldn't be. Well, it's true there is nothing in there about economic rights. But most modern industrialized countries would agree there should be. Also, US conservatives say that the US Constitution should only have things like political and criminal rights. Rights like the right against unreasonable search and seizure and freedom of speech. Well, the US Constitution also has religious rights, that has nothing to do with those. And some US conservatives also now claim that there are gun rights in the Constitution, which also has nothing to do with those.

    The idea of ecomonic and social rights, like reasonable work hours and fair working conditions, and universal health care and pensions for the poor and elderly, are fundamental. Especially for a basic level of existence. Modern charters of rights like 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights has ecomonic, medical and other social rights in it. And the French Declaration Rights of Man, 1793 was also one of the first constitutions to talk of about things like the right to work, to public assistance and education. Because like the right to freedom of religion, the presumption of innocence and the freedom to assemble, these rights are fundamental.
    granite45 likes this.

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