Easy drugs to make.

Discussion in 'Drug Chemistry' started by Ints, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Ints

    Ints Member

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    I had classes with a little higher chemistry than others in highschool and im looking easy drugs to make and i dont have any basic materials. So if there is any1 willing to show some easyer drug making techniques i would be really thankful.
  2. seizedbyanger

    seizedbyanger Banned

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  3. Ints

    Ints Member

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    okay okay, my post was probably very... stupid. Lets say that where i live, there are alot of ppl who would like to get fucked up from whatever. So there must be ppl like me to give them that shit. I cant grow weed, i cant get spores for the shrooms (coz our borders have really high security) so is there any1 to help me to make anything out of pretty much nothing. I can make GHB. Anything should be good :p
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
    {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\li360\ri360\sb100\sa100\b\i\f0\fs24 The Culture and Extraction of Ergot Alkaloids\b0\i0\par
    Sucrose .................................... 100 g\par
    Chick pea meal .............................. 50 g\par
    Calcium nitrate .............................. 1 g\par
    Monopotassium phosphate ...................... 250 mg\par
    Magnesium sulphate ........................... 250 mg\par
    Potassium chloride ........................... 125 mg\par
    Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate ................ 8.34 mg\par
    Zinc sulphate heptahydrate ................... 3.44 mg\par
    \pard\li360\ri360\sb100\sa100\f0\fs24 Make up a culture medium by combining the following ingredients in about 500 milliliters of distilled water in a 2 liter, small-neck flask:\i0\par
    \i Add water to make up one liter, adjust pH 4 with ammonia solution and citric acid. Sterile by autoclaving.\i0\par
    \i Inoculate the sterilized medium with Claviceps purpurea under sterile conditions, stopper with sterilized cotton and incubate for two weeks periodically testing and maintaining pH 4. After two weeks a surface culture will be seen on the medium. Large-scale production of the fungus can now begin.\i0\par
    \i Obtain several ordinary 1 gallon jugs. Place a two-hole stopper in the necks of the jugs. Fit a short (6 inch) glass tube in one hole, leaving 2 inches above the stopper. Fit a short rubber tube to this. Fill a small (500 milliliter) Erlenmeyer flask with a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite, and extend a glass tube from the rubber tube so the end is immersed in the hypochlorite. Fit a long, glass tube in the other stopper hole. It must reach near the bottom of the jug and have about two inches showing above the stopper. Attach a rubber tube to the glass tube as short or as long as desired, and fit a short glass tube to the end of the rubber tube. Fill a large, glass tube (1 inch x 6 inches) with sterile cotton and fit 1-hole stoppers in the ends. Fit the small, glass tube in end of the rubber tube into 1 stopper of the large tube. Fit another small glass tube in the other stopper. A rubber tube is connected to this and attached to a small air pump obtained from a tropical fish supply store. You now have a set-up for pumping air from the pump, through the cotton filter, down the long glass tube in the jug, through the solution to the air space in the top of the jug, through the short glass tube, down to the bottom of the Erlenmeyer flask and up through the sodium hypochlorite solution into the atmosphere. With this aeration equipment you can assure a supply of clean air to the Claviceps purpurea fungus while maintaining a sterile atmosphere inside the solution.\i0\par
    \i Dismantle the aerators. Place all the glass tubes, rubber tubes, stoppers and cotton in a paper bag, seal tight with wire staples and sterilize in an autoclave.\i0\par
    \i Fill the 1-gallon jugs 2/3 to 3/4 full with the culture medium and autoclave.\i0\par
    \i While these things are being sterilized, homogenize in a blender the culture already obtained and use it to inoculate the media in the gallon jugs. The blender must be sterile. Everything must be sterile.\i0\par
    \i Assemble the aerators. Start the pumps. A slow bubbling in each jug will provide enough oxygen to the cultures. A single pump can, of course, be connected to several filters.\i0\par
    \i Let everything sit a room temperature (25 C) in a fairly dark place (never expose ergot alkaloids to bright light - they decompose) for a period of ten days. \i0\par
    \i After ten days adjust the culture to 1% ethanol using 95% ethanol under sterile conditions. Maintain growth for another two weeks.\i0\par
    \i After total of 24 days growth period the culture should be considered mature. Make the culture acidic with tartaric acid and homogenize in a blender for one hour.\i0\par
    \i Adjust to pH 9 with ammonium hydroxide and extract with benzene or chloroform/iso-butanol mixture.\i0\par
    \i Extract again with alcoholic tartaric acid and evaporate in a vacuum to dryness. The dry material in the salt (i.e., the tartaric acid salt, the tartrate) of the ergot alkaloids, and is stored in this form because the free basic material is too unstable and decomposes readily in the presence of light, heat, moisture and air.\i0\par
    \i To recover the free base for extraction of the amide of synthesis to LSD, make the tartrate basic with ammonia to pH 9, extract with chloroform and evaporate in vacuo.\i0\par
    \i If no source of pure Claviceps purpurea fungus can be found, it may be necessary to make a field trip to obtain the ergot growths from rye or other cereal grasses. Rye grass is by far the best choice. The ergot will appear as a blackish growth on the tops of the rye where the seeds are and are referred to as "heads of ergot." From these heads of ergot sprout the Claviceps purpurea fungi. They have long steams with bulbous heads when seen under a strong glass or microscope. It is these that must be removed from the ergot, free from contamination, and used to inoculate the culture media. The need for absolute sterility cannot be overstressed. Consult any elementary text on bacteriology for the correct equipment and procedures. Avoid prolonged contact with ergot compounds, as they are poisonous and can be fatal.\i0\par
    \pard\sb100\sa100 obtaining a pure strain sounds like the tricky part, culturing and selection of pure-looking samples a couple times should do it. LSD must be synthesized, it's such a beautiful molecule\par
  5. Ints

    Ints Member

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    and actually i can get the instructions of making stuff myself, i just need to know things that are pretty much easy to make (im not an idiot so i can handle pretty much i think)
    So just the names of things should be enough
  6. CandyKid

    CandyKid Member

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  7. Hippified_RCer

    Hippified_RCer P.L.U.R.

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    haha y dont u make some bomb crystal? lol man there really isnt any easy bake oven drugs. even with meth if u want pure crystal u need a very good lab. ur better off jus buyin drugs my friend. even with a better than average high school chem education ur still lacking in a lot of skills. jus like the first reply here i suggest u jus do some googling to find wat ur lookin for. on the other hand instead of making ur own drugs from scratch y dont u jus do some extractions to get your feet wet, like some dmt extractions of some dxm extractions.
  8. Funkateer

    Funkateer To swing on the spiral

    Likes Received:
    ^ Agreed

    Do a DMT extraction hopefully your people can handle it ;)
  9. PIEzoo

    PIEzoo Member

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    Materials Required: Cocaine powder, teaspoon, measuring cup, pan, baking soda.

    Pour about an ounce of cocaine in the measuring cup.

    Add about a teaspoon of baking soda.

    Fill with about 3/4 cup of water.

    Pour the mixture into the pan.

    The mixture will start to bubble. Get a knife and flatten the bubbles.

    Continue to flatten the mixture while cooking it.

    Cook it until it is solid white.

    Continue to cook it until it is solid white

    Place the solid form of cocaine on a towel or napkin to drain.

    Place rocks in freezer for 15-20 minutes.

    Congratulations you have successfully made crack cocaine.
  10. BillyX

    BillyX Member

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    You could always make some jenkem
  11. HushBull

    HushBull Insuperior

    Likes Received:
    Thanks. The exhilaration though is not from your congrats...
    :D :D :D
  12. March of the Meanies

    March of the Meanies Member

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    Mmm the only drug I love to rub all over my face when I'm done getting baked off it:drool5:

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