What are some really dumb stories, photos or videos about injuries or death that could have easily been prevented with some common sense?
There was a show about a decade ago called 1000 ways to die which featured a bunch of them in dramaticized fashion
I used to watch that show all the time, and if I remember correctly someone several years ago here on hip forums started a similar thread involving stories of people who died stupid.
Faces of Death... I think there were a couple of sequels. Film of people actually getting killed in various ways. Very creepy... not for the faint hearted.
Unfortunately common sense isn't so common any more, people have gone stupid and the health and safety culture has a lot to answer for, coffee cups have warnings on them not, 'contents may be hot', well I should bloody hope so, who in their right mind wants a cold coffee? It's like kids and trees, I'm old enough to remember when if you fell out of a tree in the park and broke your arm you got taken to hospital and later got a bollocking off your parents because they had better things to do than spend time getting you sorted after you got hurt doing something you knew you shouldn't be doing. Now a kid falls out of a tree and gets hurt and the first thing the parents do is contact a solicitor because, who in their right mind allows trees to grow in parks where kids could be injured by them, how dare they! The thing today is everything is someone else's fault, A youngster steals a car and gets hurt after being chased by the police, now it's not his fault, the fact he had stolen the car, didn't have a licence, and was driving like an idiot is irrelavent, oh no, it's the nasty policemans fault for chasing him. There was a case in London last year, a young lad, iirc he was about 14, he was constantly riding stolen mopeds and hanging around in an area where people used mopeds to mug people, a cop saw him on a moped and requested him to stop, he didn't. The police began to follow him, he sped off and crashed dying at the scene, his family had a right go at the police, they seemed unable to accept that his death was his fault in any way shape or form. You even get parents who know their kids are illegally riding mopeds, some even have them at home, yet their parents allow them to do it. Why don't the parents step in, back in my day your parents had control, they bothered. I remember getting my new moped, one day before my 16th birthday, it was taxed insured and fully legal, would my parents let me ride it? Would they hell as like, that next 24hours was one of the longest in my life.