jail mate, last time I checked my hair grew on its own as a natural thing, while dancing, sleeping, loving, battling those with soulless ideas. If you must grow yours through inactivity, I pity you.
it's pseudo-ghetto, and insulting to those who overcome thick american-poor accents. takes a couple reads...but I read very fast and work with many accents. jailmate, where is your love? the love you seem to seek, but will not spend of your own coin? Love isn't rationed, it multiplies. so is understanding. Seek to understand motivations and changes can grow from that. It isn't about hair, its about heart.
let's see does your hair stop growing when you make these lame threads? to all who read a question for souls and minds what do you add to this world? no need to answer me, but you should answer yourself. What have you done to subvert the Dominator culture? where is your rebellion heard? what are we contributing to philosphical, and spiritual evolution? Although I react positively to long hair, I don't see it as the freak flag it was in my childhood.
well, also those who reject "formal" education, although I don't see that as viable. This culture does use your ability to juggle the language within the guidelines. I 'm of the "know the rules before you break them" camp..like art. Diversion from the main should be calculated to have a given range of effects.
oh dear...yet again im totally baffled by your post....please learn to type in english or some lanuage that we vaguely understand!
the judging criteria of the dominator culture or the grammer rules? those who stray may reinvent the rules for their own purposes, but acceptance of that change is minimal. the second is easy, but depends on the books you studied at school. It's the Standard English taught in an Anglophonic nation's schools. E as a second language has different expectations in inflections, but overall, an adaptability to the construction: subject objec-- verb-- direct object. (The dog chewed a bone.) and verb tese is expected. I have a few books still, since I write for a living and occasionally flake out a particular grammar rule, such as who-whom. Once you get the rules, it is OK artistically and stylistically to break them. See Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath." We know he had an amazing grip on sentances and the basics. He also had a musician's ear for dialects and presented the raw, unscrubbed version of Okie speech. Back to the regularly scheduled thread....