I Have A Better Idea........Why Not Buy A Cheap Cessna 152 The Very Aircraft I Got My Pilots License In........ Store A Few 20 Liter Jerry Cans Of Fuel In The Back Seats, And Fly It........ :flyhigh: Cheers Glen.
Got the perfect solution! https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/07/03/article-2354502-1AA26A37000005DC-835_634x418.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2354502/Water-way-drive-The-worlds-fastest-amphibious-vehicle-car-boat-just-15-SECONDS.html&h=418&w=634&tbnid=1l8bi9brB8kd9M:&tbnh=182&tbnw=277&docid=A17LkQvCW86ZwM&hl=en-GB&client=tablet-android-pega&usg=__615g-sBPsLvrMAabR2MafVBtzk4=&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwikza6D3ejMAhVLB8AKHR0iDRwQ9QEIDjAA
Lets Forget The "Bleached Gorilla" And Drive Off Into The Sunset Together..... ... :sunny: Cheers Glen.
I'm doing the driving! You understand, don't you! You guys get too hormonal in the heat! And I'm a good driver, honestly.., lol
The people of Cuba solved this long ago. And rather inexpensively. So far NONE of the "Big 3" US automakers makes a floating car. Maybe Cuba IS more advanced than the US! http://www.floatingcubans.com/mercury.jpg https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2717/4148002035_0a091daa5c_b.jpg https://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg5/cg531/AMIO/images/Cuban/59Buick.jpg
Here's some more: http://youtu.be/Za63ltkMGGE Check out this dude, 33,000 miles by land and sea! http://youtu.be/UgPPlJXvipM
i'm so old i remember the amphi-car. (1960s vintage. there's probably a ton of pictures on the net, i'm just too lazy to look them up and link them. i don't really think i'd want to try crossing an ocean with either of them though. there's a solar powered aircraft that has. like most things solar, its battery powered and the solar panels charge the batteries, which means that no, it doesn't fall out of the sky at night or when it gets cloudy. i'm pointing that out for the inevitable troll who will come along and try to insist the solar can't be practical because the sun doesn't shine all the time, which is of course silly because it does, things like clouds and the planet just get in the way of seeing it some of the time) well there's lots of ways of crossing an ocean. or land. and cars, just aren't the best way we've come up with for doing so. its hair pulling and desk heading for me that people buy into equating freedom of movement with them.