hi everyone,ive had dreads in for about 3 months now(technically not dread yet but oh well)ive asked one of my adjunct teachers who has amazing dreads if you need wax for em and he recomended not using it.so everyone who has dreads here please inform me and if you do stress using it,please tell me a good cheap dreadt wax so i wont have to borrow it.thnx everyone peace and love
Knotty Boy Dread Wax would prolly work pretty well. I really can't say, 'cause I grew mine more or less naturally.
naw, wax is gonna make it harder to clean them, you may quickly get moldy, patience and luv are all you need to get nice dreads.
I used wax in my dreads when I had them and it makes them so ick and they look so oily and dirty coz stuff sticks to the wax. Do it natraully.
I used to use a TINY amount just to help keep them together and it worked out really well. I've had a lot of friends who used a lot of wax and their dreads got all gross and sticky. But for me, it just held them together while they are still forming. Try using Knotty Boy, that's what it's made for.
Wax works for me, bitches..... lol I use VERY little at a time,I bought my kboy when I did my dreads last last november and I still have half a thing left....
I Recommend Knotty Boy Too. They Have A Good Site With Good Info.... Check Em Out... Also, It Might Take A Week Or 2 To Get There, They Are Based Out Of Canada!!
my mom wont let me get dreads. i would love them though. theyre my fetish. any guy with them is so hot.
i have some dread wax. not sure if its knotty boy of not. but i got it coz it meant that the shampoo i wanted worked out cheaper.... havent got dreads yet but i dont plan on using wax when i do get there unless i reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly need to. i hope not. coz i go for minimum effort, and if im gonna go mouldy and fucked them im not gona want to sort it out. which is a bad thing.
I wouldn't call it cheating. anything you eat that you yourself didnt grow is cheating if using something else for your hair is too.
I think dreads are kinda conformist, probably cuz I'm not much of fan of them myself. But If I were doing it the only way is natural.
I would call it cheating. If you're doing it just for the look, then yeah, most people don't really care about the spiritual message, origins, and meaning behind the hairstyle, and will take the shortcut.