Dreads Sectioned Wrong.

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by emily, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. emily

    emily Visitor

    hey. my dreads are about a month old, so still babies.. i have a beavertail on the back of my head made of two dreads. after i formed my dreads, i left them alone, and all the hair on the back of my head began to mat. i separated some of the dreads away, but i couldn't separate these two dreads, so i left them. the problem is, one of the dreads was veery thick at the root, i don't think i sectioned very well at all, so it took hair from a good portion of the back of my head. as it happens now, the beavertail is basically taking up half the hair on the back of my head.

    i think it looks fine, but i'm sort of afraid i did something very wrong, because i don't think it will end up dreading at the roots since it's so big and it would just stick straight out from the back of my head. so will i have loose hair there forever? i don't have many dreads anyways, maybe twenty, which seems like not a lot compared to a some of the people on the internet.
  2. natural philosophy

    natural philosophy bitchass sexual chocolate

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    You'll have to cut all of your dreads off.
  3. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Oh no, if you form your dreadlocks wrong when you make them, they don't work.

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