Dreadlock help!

Discussion in 'Help Wanted' started by Rachel Tyson, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. Rachel Tyson

    Rachel Tyson Members

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    I've had my dreads for almost a year and I have had to stop putting them up because some of the dreads will take on the weight of my hair and it hurts so much. I love putting them up in head wraps and dread buns but it just hurts too much. Does any dread head alumni have any advise on how to put them up without all the pain??
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Mine never got that long. They were the sort of barely there dreads that I could comb out when I got tired of them.
  3. Rachel Tyson

    Rachel Tyson Members

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    ya mine half way down my back, I had to cut them they were down to my butt but I could handle them that long
    soulcompromise likes this.
  4. YogaBird

    YogaBird Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

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    Mine are almost 2 years old and are down past my shoulders. Whenever I put my hair up to workout I put it into 2 separate buns and then put a hairtie around both buns, or a bandana or whatever fits.
    But usually if I'm just hot I just take a few dreads on each side from underneath and pull them back over the other ones and put a hairtie in them. (If that makes sense).

    Idk if that helps or not, sorry.

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