Remember getting high and listening to Dr. Demento on the radio? Here are some of his funniest (and most demented) songs.
I remember listening to Dr. Demento after Metal Shop on Sunday nights on our local rock station. Fun times! This is one of the goofy songs I heard on Dr. Demento back then. “My Name is Larry”
I remember listening to "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!" on a 45 rpm record when it first came out in 1966. The B side was the same song played backwards. Also Alan Sherman's "Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter From Camp)" in 1963 and "Sarah Jackman" and other songs by him on albums. Interesting note, the "Fish Heads" song by Barnes & Barnes was actually written and performed by Robert Haimer and Billy Mumy...of Lost in Space.