Isn't materialism the root of the type of globalizaiton pushed by the trans-national corporations including the major TV networks? Isn't the ultimate goal to turn all of humanity into a Borg-like entity based solely on buying things to give yourself rank in society? Discussion: What are people's thoughts on this? How can we as individuals fight this programming?
I guess the reverse way to avoid the sacrifice at materialism is to hate Nature's explanations like the Al-qaeda do, and believe that the best explanation of financial greed laundrying opportunities is the freedom coming out of the barrel of a Gun for human rights. I don't believe they really shot their fellow compatriots and it was a photo OP for the purpose of ultimate terror. The governance connected with the Oil Companies is to be the edge effect for psycho-analytic thoughts of the demised eco-system in Northern communities. Micro-climates come from outer space, and have no business on the reaches of various dissipating animal species on the real fields of Nature here on Earth. I am just a chauvinist. But that don't matter. I am an idealist.:cowboy:
One way is to avoid advertising as much as possible. Never watch live TV, so you can skip the commercials. Don't watch the videos on web sites that force you to see a commercial. Regard every advertisement that you do happen to see as a lie or exaggeration unless you really know otherwise. Avoid using Facebook, so you won't get so many targeted ads. Simplify your life so you won't "need" so many things.
I just checked S. Zizek. "Ecology failing over the book of Job is one step from Jesus Christ copulated."
Yes, emelina. It's what ALL societies are about presently. Allowing the resources of earth to be turned into "the latest big thing" that everyone must have. There may come a time when people see that the whole purpose has been to turn us into the walking, purchasing automatons that we have become and that those that have not achieved that status yet(3rd world)--are quickly striving towards it. We have been easily led to be distracted, even as shallow as our lives have become and it often takes wars to make sure it continues. Never mind that millions are starving, being killed, ignored and live lives of brutality while the makers/controllers of "latest thing" live extreme lives of luxury. So it goes. Humans will seemingly never think that the earths societies can or should be structured in an equitable way. But never mind--BUY MORE. BUY MORE NOW.
I don't get it. Aside from the temporary fun thrill she might have in watching the world soccer matches, I believe she had a serious point for the future of the education systems about North America being lied to by the governing politics.:biker:
I thought I was clear on what I said. It's not only North America that is being lied to/led by the nose into disaster. It's worldwide. The only ones who could change the direction in which humanity is being led--are the ones who don't want it to change. And fuck a 'bunch a' soccer. If someone captured me and wanted me to squeal about anything--all they would have to do is make me watch that boring shit.
Excellent suggestions. I might add to these to shop locally rather than buy everything from trans-national corporations.
Won't work. Dialectical materialists tell off anarchists. Now, without that debate God-loving religion pacifying weak people to compete as consumerists. In a consumerism like Canada's consumerism is almost like consummation of the wedding. Thus....