What does your dog's area in the yard look like? I don't have a fence so I stake two large dogs out for playtime. The area was deep with fallen leaves but they've turned that into powder now. They come in covered in dirt that won't brush out of their fur. The ideal thing would be artificial grass for dogs; or alot of pavers. I have about zero money to put into this. Any ideas?
Rake the leaves in the fall? Seriously, I have that happen with the leaves too sometimes. There are a ton of them....even after I rake. Our dogs pretty much have the entire back yard. It's fenced. Every once in a while our big dog will get brave enough to get out and explore the world. He walks around the house and lays down in the driveway or on the porch until someone tells him to come inside. Real adventurer right there!!
Well, first of all, these are my children's dogs that I pet sit. If I had planned to have a big dog then I would have had my fence repaired. As it is, I have them in the "natural area" under the trees. There's never been any grass there. It's leaves, pinestraw, and shade plants. I leave the leaves there for natural mulch but the dogs have pounded them down to dust.
The dust in the dogs' fur is the problem. My daughter wants to bathe her dog every evening when she takes it home. These two girls wrestle in that dust constantly and it won't brush out. The yard is fine like it is. It's for the dogs and the grandkids anyway.
It's always good to have a concrete surface somewhere too as it will keep their toe nails filed down.
A cheap temporary solution would be to cover their area with hay, but you would probably have to add fresh hay pretty frequently.
you could give them a 12X12 area fenced in for around $250.00 50ft of fence 99.00,+ gate and cement minus labor. something a few men can do in a day.
Thanks, y'all. I really need to have my son and daughter work at getting the existing chain link fence in the back in good condition again.
She brings the dogs over every day and wants to bathe them before she takes them home? That seems like a lot of hassle to me. Why not just leave the dogs at home?