Dog Swallowed Metformin, Want Holistic Not Homeapathy (Spelling?)

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by Lovinight, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Lovinight

    Lovinight Members

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    My dads dog somehow swallowed a Metformin, pill lodged on outside of lung, caused huge abcess. First 2 vets wanted to crack the dogs chest, luckily we got 3rd opinion, with this vet the lung was removed through the rib, dog is making miraculous recovery only, the vet called today to tell us the mass inside the abscess is cancer, carcinoma to be specific. They had told us how great it was this abcess was fully contained and none of it leaked anywhere else in the body, now they are mentioning, they had to leave a small amount of tissue that was attached to the heart, it could be cancerous, and if I am rationalizing this correctly in my head, they just opened this dog up and it most likely has spread like wildfire?

    Okay no chemo, this dog has been through enough!!
    Dad had Leukemia for second time, kidneys failing, not going to make it, started taking baking soda, off chemo in 3 months.
    I understand the alkaline, acidic reasoning as to why this works, my question is, how realistic is it to think this could work on a dog as well?
    If not, what will? There has to be something simple, but finding info for dogs is not as easy as it was for humans.
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  2. Lovinight

    Lovinight Members

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    the surgery was done just days ago, I want to get this before it gets worse
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  3. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    im curious what route the pill took to get from the dogs mouth to "outside a lung"
  4. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    yeah, is there a hole in it's esophagus or something?

    you should begin to accept that the most humane thing may be to put the dog down peacefully if the cancer has metastasized.
    I knew someone who's dog was riddled with cancer, not a enjoyable ordeal for anyone, especially the poor dog.

    oh and don't "like" your own posts, it's weird.
  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    there is also no explanation for how the metformin pill caused cancer

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