Does It Betray One's Privileged Background . .

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Eleven, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Does it betray a background of privilege to refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton?
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Only if you're white. ;)
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  3. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Vote for whoever you want. [​IMG]
  4. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    You know you dont vote directly for the pres right?
  5. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    I think those who become angry at the candidate that is -closest- to their opinions, and refuse to vote for them, allowing a candidate farther away from their opinions to win, are

    unable to compromise
    unaware of how politics works
    self defeating
    either childish or narcissistic

    Hillary Clinton will appoint Supreme Court justices that will oppose Citizens United, and Trump will do no such thing. THAT one little reason is enough to vote for her.

    Do you think a Trump victory will make everyone abandon the system and enable a better system to come about? If you do think that, I must be frank and say you are being foolish, and selfish.

    just my opinion
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  6. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Not only that, but you are sexist and racist. This is true even if you are not legally eligible to vote in the US.

    Too bad HRC couldn't have just seized power, that way we wouldn't deal with all of these privileged idiots thinking they have a "right" to an opinion.

    I can't believe how spoiled they are!
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Opinions like yours make me think maybe I shouldn't vote at all.

    Do you think that's better?

    I've always voted third party. This election cycle I guess that makes me a horrible person, or just a privileged person as you put it.

    So maybe to avoid the guilt trip I should not vote at all.

    Or maybe, just maybe, and here's a radical idea...instead of guilt tripping you should focus on encouraging , not discouraging, political participation.

    Because such a small proportion of the population even bothers to vote which is one reason why our political system is so dysfunctional. If we encouraged people to vote, and realized it's not anyone's business who they actually vote for, just the act of voting is what matters..maybe, just maybe we can one day have a functional representative democracy.

    Or you can continue shaming people for votes and then wonder why voter turn out is so low.
  8. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    We accept voting as a right in the US. It doesn't care how much money you have or what color you are, a vote is a vote.

    The reality is that it is a privilege for any of us to vote. The ruling class would have a much easier time of things if people would just do as they are told. Since that never happens for very long, they created these "fair" systems of government to placate the rest of us. Voting, even when obviously rigged, still seems to keep most populations from revolting. It's really quite amazing if you think about it.

    To the original point, Americans don't vote "against", we vote FOR a candidate. There is no "downvote", only up. Trying to guilt people with this "Privilege" crap is really getting old. The only REALLY privileged people I see these days are wealthy. And those come in all colors (perfect for decorating).
    1 person likes this.
  9. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I am not naive enough to think anything is really going to change, regardless of who gets into office. When has it ever?
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  10. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    I'm just a cis gendered privledged white male
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Well tbh, like that meme states, and as to why we cannot electronically vote right now in this day and age.

    Do you really think they'd let us vote if theh thought it would make a difference?

    Don't vote, you're only wasting your own time. Whoever "wins" will "win" you can't change it. Your national population cannot change it. So now the other meme becomes clearer. The one with the wolf. Don't flock to the polls like sheep. Stand back and observe cunningly, like a wolf. But don't waste your time with it either. It won't make a difference.
  12. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    What sucks is, you could give all your shit and money to non-white people and you'd STILL be called this. Even if you lived in a box and pushed a cart around all day for Mad Dog money, you'd draw this charge. I still can't get over people thinking a skin color is a privilege because of some mysterious and nebulous claims of a supremacist system out to exterminate everyone else who is darker. Preposterous.

    Privilege is a class issue or it's taken by intimidation or force. Stealing from people is an example of this. But then, that's an evil western, Christian tenent. Oh the horror.
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  13. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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  14. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    So all those people who struggled for the right of African Americans to vote were misguided? Margaret Sanger, who struggled for reproductive freedom, was misguided?
    Whether or not prisoners can be executed is irrelevant? Inspecting workplaces for safety matters not?

    Whether or not you realize it, you just told us you don't care about a lot of issues. You may be a decent person, I dunno, but I find your viewpoint as repugnant as the views of Trump supporters.
  15. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Margaret Sanger was a fucking racist.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    You're gonna be even shittier at me when you find out I didn't even read your post. ;)

  17. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    After skimming it you're pretty much right, I don't care about a lot of issues and I don't care about any of the issues you listed.

    Why? Because none of them effect my life personally in any way whatsoever.

    And I shouldn't have to care either. That's what makes me different from you. And if I'm different from you, then it's an unrealistic proposal for me to care about the same things that you do. And the next person is different from both of us, and they'll have different views again, like they should, because they're not the same. If that makes them an indecent person in your eyes then so be it but it's funny you know, it's funny that person like me seemingly shrouded in negativity can upset a whole community with her own personal thoughts yet the personal thoughts of others have very little to no effect on her life whatsoever. Do you find that funny? I do.

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  18. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    We have an electoral election system because the founders didn't trust the majority of the public to be right all the time.

    A case in point would be a popular election of a man such as Donald Trump, or worse.

    In addition it prevents close elections such as a 49% to 51% percent win by any candidate resulting in more discord in the nation.

    Elections have changed the path of the nation as we can plainly see with the elections of Lincoln, TR, FDR, JFK, LBJ, and G.W. Bush, to name just a few.
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  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Yeah. How about those tomatos?

  20. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    This election is so important I cannot worry about others' feelings a whole heck of a lot, so I say that to waste one's vote on a third party candidate, or to not vote, is shameful. Oh, I know what it is like to vote third party, having done so when I was young and ignorant. Voting third party in a general election is like being dishonest; something all should have abandoned by the age of 18.

    Hillary Clinton isn't your ideal candidate. Get over it and achieve what is realitic.

    I'd say it more nicely, were it not for the fact that Trump will be a disaster.
  21. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    No, just sheer stupidity. Congress turned gerrymandering into an exact science twenty years ago with the result that now over a billion dollars a year is now spend lobbying them and a twenty year study by Princeton concluded that no matter who was elected only the top 10% of the wealthiest ever got anything they wanted. Meanwhile, one in five Americans insists the sun revolves around the earth and over half insist the government and mass media they call evil lie to them for their own protection. When the billionaire mayor of NYC arrested 26 reporters in one day he only received a slap on the wrist and even the mass media refused to make it front page news knowing nobody with any real money was willing to pay to hear the truth and almost nobody without money even had a clue what was going on.

    Personally, I might think about voting for Mickey Mouse except its now illegal to vote for him in the state of Maryland. So much for freedom of speech.

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