im starting to belive in past lives.. i read of occurances where past lives bleed through to the life you have now.. a friend of mine is very into swords... guns.. things like that.. he knows all of the honor codes of the samuri but has never read or seen any of this before.. we think that he was a samuri in his past life.. he is very honerable with his swords and even his guns.. i am starting to think i was a tactics officer in my past life.. every time i see something of tactics like swat in a movie i get this strange feeling of deja-voo like i have lived that moment myself.. this happens often.. its cool but strange at the same time
erm...i kinda like to believe that our souls go through different lives to help reach a certain stage of evolution that allow us to go into a further dimension...perhaps the earth as it is, is just another setting for one of these stages...well, that's my theory.
This last year my belief in past lives has become stronger than ever. It is the best explanation of how it could be possible for certain puzzling things that I have seen. Other answers are not as convincing to me.
I believe life continues on forever, you just change bodies alot, and every change gives you a fresh memory, and there are (far as I know) endless levels, if you don't pass the one you're on then you'll repeat it over and over until you do. I don't know what I was in a past life, I have a hard time figuring it out. I know everyone dressed differently, there were no guns but swords and horses and bows. I'm starting to think it must have been medieval.
i dont know but it makes sense.. i really wish i knew but i am okay not knowing. but a continum of life makes sense.. i mean, i believe in energy (and that we are all god) but really... "god"- energy- above energy- made us... and it would almost just make sense that if we are here, we dont learn it all in one life and we "come back" to learn off of what we already learned but a new setting... since you cant learn it all in one. ya know? and the continum of evolution, of course, makes sense in that way...cause are "individuals" evolve... so would the collective consciousness, you would think.
im definetly diggin past lives man i hit my head like real hard on a tree a while back and i joggled my mynd up ... woke up a little hazy but otherwise pretty cool outta coma of like 5 days ... nobody knew what happened to me ... come to discover it was a simple case of the Great Spirit wakin me up. Everyday since, the Spirit reveals herself daily, past life memories run in and outta mynd, & my existance here started makin like great sense, to speak of the surface. how sweet it is on the other side peace fellas and ladees
i also believe that most of us have a karmic debt from a previous life .has as been already said there is not enough time to learn everything in one physical lifetime.i think what ever mistakes we made in our previous life "we have to try and learn next time around"(karmic debt). so therefore we should eventually become spiritually evolved individually.
What if each time you are reincarnated, many souls close to you are from that same era. What if you married the same soul in every past life? My girlfriend believes we've been in love more than once. Each time we've had to struggle, as we are now, to defend our relationship. I don't know, it's interesting
yeah its weird i want to know what you all think about this , but recently i jsut tried shrooms and while on them i had this really weird trip and like i felt liek i was in the late 60's or 70's and was this really big hippie and evetyhitng was jsut really great, anwyas so after being off the high i kept thiking about it and felt like i had expereicned that so many times before and started remembering really strange things and wishing i was back to that life style - ive recently researched a lot about drugs liek lsd etc, and have jsut thought a lot more about that type of life, each time feelign more connected to it. i don't know forsure but i feel that this has something to do with a past life and that was how i lived it and that maybe im in this life to rememeber it but to better myslef? if you guys could reply tellign me what you think that would be awesome
Yes, I do. This is my 3rd or 4th time here. I only know about 2 past lives. In the 1st I can remember, I was a seargent, sent from England to fight George Washington. I didn't die in battle, but stayed and married a Native American woman and lived out my days. In the 2nd one, I was a businessman in 1890 Chicago. my wife and I died in the great fire. (Fucking cow!!!) Here I am again. (Cursed with the same wife! Fucking COW!!!!!!!!)
Reasonable concepts and evidence for reincarnate forms follow easily from simple observations regarding consciousness and epistemology. Finding the details are however, much more difficult.
I believe most of us had many past lives. I have no doubts that I have lived many lives and i am hoping that this one would be my last, but then again i also know that I am far away of it.... Snif I also believe that most people we meet in this life time are the same we met in our past until we made peace or resolved what needed to be resolved. That is why it is very important to me to make peace with anyone i ever had a dispute or unfinished business....
yea i agree with the post in the beggining, i feel that poeple are brought to each life almost like they are passing levels and jsut trying to better themselves with each new one
"yeah its weird i want to know what you all think about this , but recently i jsut tried shrooms and while on them i had this really weird trip and like i felt liek i was in the late 60's or 70's and was this really big hippie and evetyhitng was jsut really great, anwyas so after being off the high i kept thiking about it and felt like i had expereicned that so many times before and started remembering really strange things and wishing i was back to that life style - ive recently researched a lot about drugs liek lsd etc, and have jsut thought a lot more about that type of life, each time feelign more connected to it. i don't know forsure but i feel that this has something to do with a past life and that was how i lived it and that maybe im in this life to rememeber it but to better myslef? if you guys could reply tellign me what you think that would be awesome" someone please reply to my post, i really want some input thanks that would be awesome
i believe that too.. i like to think that once we die, it's not the end of us.. like you said, instead of us being tottaly erased from the earth, we go on to a diffrent dimension.. i know that i've lived lots of lives.. i sometimes get flashbacks/feelings from the 60's..
i don't know much about past lives but i know that for as long as i can remember i have been very attracted to old houses. i have a large photo album collection of them, there are 4 in my gallery. most of them are abandoned and appear to be from the late 1800s/early 1900's. iv'e been in the ones that are not too dilapidated and i get an unexplainable, undescribable feelin. i enjoy it too. i have no idea what it is but maybe it has somethin to do with a past life. anyone have any ideas??
stunt, u have no idea how much i believe u. i know iv been in many past lives, and i mean MANY. and with u and ur gf? that is how i am and a good friend of mine. he and i, our spirits, are in love, i cant explain it, but somehow a long time ago we did something in a life, and idk if its karma fallowing us or a curse, but each life we see each other, but each life something is in our way. it totally sucks, u have no idea, knowing who u should b with, not able to b with them. id go into it, but ppl would think im sick, or we were sick, but its not, i wish ppl could understand. this life its age that is the separtation, but we KNOW there is something, it was in the very first friggin time we saw each other! i remember seeing his eyes, idk, something there, it was amazying, and thats what happened to him too! hed put up this wall around him from bad things in his life, and only 3 ppl were inside the wall with him: his wife and two kids. he said it took his wife a year b4 she was in. i met him twice and i walked right through. we know we knew each other, and there are so many different times and things that are familiar. we were there in the 1800s and midevil, and i know of a life i lived in the 60s, i was this guys grandma...and as much as i hope for these lives to end and for us to b happy, this life isnt gonna help us , so we pray for the next one to work out. pray for our damned souls. he told me next time hell wait...i write. its in my soul too, and i am currently writing a novel on the curse and our past lives whether they were real or not. mayb one day it'll b famous, seeing as it seems to captivate everyone who reads the first chapter. look our for it soemtime in the far far future..."the curse" =) everyones friend madison
i think the first past life to remember is when you were a baby . it's important as anything to really get feeling whole in the flow .