Do you still feel the pain of scars that won't heal?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by neonspectraltoast, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. You are the one who has the problem.

    This is essentially the problem with humanity. This is our shortcoming. Many of us, are humorously, trained (or, worst case innately) just on the defense. People are always saying, "You are the one who has the problem." At this moment, someone is thinking, "You are the one who has the problerm!" just as a knee-jerk reaction to what I am saying.

    I have no solution to this, nor am I sure I want there to be one. It's kind of funny these arguments we have. We are just like children. We can't deny that children are bullies! Children are sometimes bullies, but they're not all bad.

    Everything that exists is a part of nature. The body just naturally takes care of itself. The mind is that other thing. Hoomba yabba hoomba yabba hoomba yabba hoomba yabba!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2019
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    tom and jerry? i remember that phrase from a lyric in a song,
    while everything is in some sense "a part of nature",
    that doesn't make cultural shortcommings a biological imparative.

    learned behaviors evolve, and no generation is born with scars.
    kharma is earned, dogma is pulled out of the ass.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  4. Who has the right to say what the "biological imperative" is though? Some people deny that there is a biological imperative at all.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My shoulder scar feels tingly and weird most times.
  6. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    I still got the scars that the sun couldn't heal...

    But yeah. I agree. We should all start realising we are the problem and sort ourselves out. Most of us aren't humble enough.

    I actually find it very freeing. While I was blaming the rest of the world, it was out of my control. It's very stressful to feel like you have to convince the rest of the world of anything, or get them to accept it's their problem. The minute I decided to blame myself, suddenly I could control it all and change it if I wished.
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    everyone has a right to SAY anything. (as long as they're not robbing me of thinking my own thought by making me have to listen to them saying it).
    it takes a consensus of honest and detached observation for what they say to mean anything though.
    (and i am someone who believes the only biological imperative is to look for the tit when we're born. everything else is learned behavior. we look for examples to figure out how to do things, and we are influenced by their nuances, but we still get to choose how much of which we try to follow)

    {} my brother, you are, older then me (unlikely), do you still ... heal, your eyes have died, you've seen more then i (about a 50/50 chance of that)
    but i still don't remember for sure the title, rest of the lyric, or who recorded the song, i just do remember that part of it.

    back to the problem posed though, it is never ALL self, nor ALL everything else, it is always some of both, with the mix constantly and randomly varying.
    that having been observed, our own (and only our own) perspective, perception and priority, WE get to choose, and whatever we choose of them, statistically affects our world,
    and everyone around us.

    blaming everyone else when our own thoughtlessness bites us on the ass, is the root of fascism and tyranny though.
    when people aren't considerate of each other and everything else, that is what happens.

    its also, because of the kind of world it creates to have to live in, illogical, to be thoughtless, dishonest, or even to deny the value of creative and not misused, imagination.

    it is as much an illusion that we can change it all (all by ourselves) as it is that we can do nothing, or that its all on 'the other'.
    but we, and each of us alone, ARE always responsible, for what we CAN change, and more importantly, choose to begin with.

    just thought of another song that goes with all that, making the world is not a spectator sport, we're all participants,
    so the last line of the donovan song, circus of sour; "to hell if you're willing, your name's on the billing and seems, your wanted, in ring, number three,
    look out your window and see,
    wak wak".
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
  8. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    Bro, that's deep bro. Pass the blunt bro. Bro.

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