Absolutely not. It's driven me before And it seems to have a vague Haunting mass appeal But lately I'm Beginning to find that I Should be the one behind the wheel
To answer OP, I think I do or have subconsciously sometimes. It's either that or I've given in to a what I'll call "postmodern malaise" at times. What I mean by that is, at times when I think about it, I view many of societies constructs as meaningless and tend to refrain in participating in them, or not being fully engaged in them, add some anxiety to that and I think it has prohibited me from doing things I want to do in the past. I don't generally maintain a postmodernist viewpoint however and I am much less philosophically introspective now than I used to be, (also on a whole lot less drugs) so hopefully I'll minimize that kind of anxious overanalysis moving forward.
not so much drive as obstruct. and its embarrassment i fear more then the unknown and almost more even then death. and for this reason fascism, harassment, and inconsiderate or unpleasant company generally. fear of loss of access to solitude. i want to be alone and unseen when i die, so i can be in an undistracted state of meditation, or sleep, when i do. (not familiar with the musical reference. i've heard of the name of the band, but not familiar with their work)
Interesting about fear of embarrassment.. That has to be one of the top fears which prevents people doing as they wish. It's a shame. Often, embarrassment is entirely unnecessary and I hate when people cause it in other people, it's very unkind. And maybe sometimes I do still let fear drive.. Since I also try to avoid embarrassment. The lyrics I posted are by Incubus, BTW. Gb was just making an ongoing joke which I find funny now I understand.
Why are women so afraid of rats & mice? They are literally one of the least intimidating animals on the planet. I can understand fear of spiders, cockroaches... But a rat? They're mammals anyway!
My tradition relies on fuzzy logic rather than idiots like Donald Duck making profound sounding statements. We don't own words, we share them, and one way to share them is to use popular quotes, song lyrics, etc. If you cannot teach a five year old how to share their words and play nice, you are nobody's friend and have nothing worthwhile to contribute. Note that the quote I used is actually combination of Frank Herbert and Winston Churchhill. The only thing to fear about fear itself, is that fear is the mind-killer.
The Only Fear I Have Is Of The...KKK........There Are Some Very Nasty People Who March Under That Banner..... Cheers Glen.
The only thing to fear about the KKK is that the entire lot of them are complete idiots who embrace abject stupidity! One in five Americans insists the sun revolves around the earth, and they don't identify themselves as liberal. The KKK and fundamentalists in general have the worst social record in the developed world, and protest things like abortion, because they have the highest rates anywhere. Their solution to their social problems, is to insist others do something about it, and that everyone should copy them.