Do You Know of Any Mental Health Support Chat Rooms

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Amethyst87F, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Amethyst87F

    Amethyst87F JesF35

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    I've tried finding one online with no luck.

  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    You could probably try depression websites, I'm sure they have a instant chat thing so you can talk to someone. :) why, what's up babe?
  3. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    Facebook has some private/member only rooms....I use a few myself for psychosis.
  4. NotMyRealName

    NotMyRealName Members

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    Try some of the substance abuse resources available online.
  5. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    the stoners lounge rambling thread right here on hip forums....we are always there for each others shit...not for emergency situations obviously
    RainyDayHype and Orison like this.
  6. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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  7. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    1,665 has both forums and chat
    It's a suicide prevention site, but is also for depression and mental health
    eggsprog likes this.
  8. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  9. Chuck 706

    Chuck 706 Guest

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  10. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    You can try Reddit, there are a lot of different communities on there.
  11. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    I don't think you know who they are.

    Sorry I missed this but stay away from the psycho pharmaceutical front group NAMI !! Unless you are fighting them to advance patient rights.

    Lilly donated at least $3 million to NAMI. For its part, NAMI promotes the increased use of psychotropic drugs, lobbies against any cost-saving restrictions on number of psychotropic drugs prescribed for one patient under Medicaid, and even lobbies for laws allowing mental patients to be forced to take antipsychotic drugs. The drugs most often prescribed for involuntary patients -- Janssen's Risperdal (risperidone) and Lilly's Zyprexa (olanzapine) -- cause debilitating, indeed, lethal effects. NAMI's failure to inform its constituents about the danger these drugs pose for patients, and its continued aggressive promotion of these drugs despite the evidence, may be viewed as confirmation that NAMI is an extension of Lilly's marketing department.

    In 2004, NAMI opposed the placement of "black box" warnings on antidepressants determined to cause suicide in under-18 year olds, and in 2006 opposed black box warnings on ADHD drugs causing heart attack, stroke and sudden death in children in 2006. Despite overwhelming evidence of serious adverse cardiac events and sudden deaths caused by ADHD drugs, in 2006 NAMI took the position that the “black box” warning on ADHD drugs was “premature.” Also, on December 18, 2003, The New York Times exposed that NAMI had bused scores of protestors to a hearing in Frankfort, Kentucky, took out full page ads in Kentucky newspapers, and sent angry faxes to state officials, all to protest a state panel proposal to exclude the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa from Medicaid’s list of preferred medications. According to the article, “What the advocacy groups did not say at the time was that the buses, ads and faxes were all paid for” by the manufacturer of the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa, Eli Lilly.

    National Alliance on Mental Illness - SourceWatch

    Biederman was the recipient of the 1998 NAMI " national alliance on mental illness" Exemplary Psychiatrist award. Thanks Big pharma ! Exemplary Psychiatrist Awards Support $25,000.00

    Dr. Joseph Biederman: Caught red-handed lying about $1.6 million in drug money for performing illicit medical experiments on children. Joseph Biederman

    NAMI is despicable. A "grassroots" organization, no its AstroTurf .
  12. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    You are spreading misinformation. NAMI actually fights for patients. They have a group stationed at the hospital that receives 5150 intake and provides information to family and loved ones to assist in aftercare. They may not be the only ones doing that, but if there are others I am unaware of them. This is being done by volunteers.

    Aftercare can be the missing link between hospitalization and life in the real world. Two very different things.

    You seem vehemently opposed to any hospitalization or medication. Has anyone ever told you that you're wrong about hospitals and medication? It's not right for everyone, but it's the first step in achieving a healthy existence for millions. NAMI is working hard to be part of that first step.

    Go to for more information on Friends in the Lobby. This particular one is in San Diego, CA.
    Asmodean likes this.
  13. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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  14. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Laura's Law is the name of California's Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) law.

    Laura’s Law criminalizes mental illness and is spreading like cancer across California, county by county. Those labeled “noncompliant” can be subjected to forced medication and court-ordered involuntary treatment. In essence, they become captives of the criminal justice system even though they have committed no offense.

    It is vastly supported by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a nationwide advocacy group that receives the majority of its funding from pharmaceutical companies, because desperate parents have been brainwashed into believing it is a solution to problems of “noncompliance” of their offspring.

    Read more Laura’s Law Turns a Psychiatric Diagnosis into a Crime
  15. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    You must be kidding. If you are accused of mental illness NAMI is not your friend with their pharma reps in the lobby. All they are there for is to push big pharma propaganda on peoples families.

    NAMI helped push Risperdal on little boys, as many as possible and when they started growing breasts no apology and they STILL take money from Johnson and Johnson and CONTINUE to push the drug !!

    NAMI is disgusting.
  16. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  17. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    The alternative? You act as though you think we've been living under a rock. Psychiatry is a legitimate profession. Medication is necessary in a multitude of cases. Don't let your own personal beef with "The Pharmaceutical Industry" cloud your judgment about NAMI or friends in the lobby! It's not a propaganda machine. Don't be fooled by the lies you hear about medication, hospitalization, or involuntary arrest!

    That is an option for some little boys! You pretending that "oh no, risperdal!" doesn't change the facts of psychotic symptomology. And psychiatrists know what to look out for in terms of parents who are problematic in terms of placing non-symptomatic children into psychiatric care facilities and onto medications. They don't prescribe when it isn't appropriate.

    You seem to want to claim that all psychiatry is bogus. I will refute that every chance I get!
  18. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    I said NAMI is bogus. Its the Eli Lilly Marketing department.

    During the time he was president of NAMI, James McNulty received thousands of dollars for regularly speaking on behalf of Pfizer and other drug makers at various company sponsored events. In an arrangement ethicists say is highly irregular, McNulty would process the “grants” through NAMI Rhode Island. In order to reduce paperwork, according to McNulty, the drug maker would then give NAMI Rhode Island a check and NAMI Rhode Island would in turn give McNulty a check. At no time did McNulty disclose to the audiences at his various speaking engagements, or to NAMI’s membership, that he was being paid to speak by drug makers.

    But these are merely allegations, right? Well, in case you’re interested, this turned out to be a part of the largest criminal and civil health care fraud action ever brought by the United States Department of Justice, and resulted in a $2.3 Billion dollar settlement, with $102 million divided between the various informants involved (Westlock just one among them). Read more Back to Basics: What’s Wrong with NAMI - Mad In America

    Psychiatry’s “treatments” often don’t work. Even the industry shills will admit to that; however, all logic stops there. They will then continue to preach compliance with the same ineffective course of action despite the fact that, the evidence from the past 50 years has shown that the treatments have actually worsened long-term outcomes. There is an epidemic of psychiatric disability. How can this be, if the treatments are so much better that they were in the past? You are better off having a “psychotic” episode in Nigeria than in the U.S. Why? Because third-world countries have better recovery rates for so-called “schizophrenia” than the United States and other industrialized nations that keep their psychiatric patients “maintained” on the drugs. In the United States, one “psychotic” episode will almost always land you in psychiatric wasteland for the rest of your life. It is psychiatry itself that created the “chronicity” in so-called “mental illness”.

    Read more Bipolar Babble


    My next online session I think I am going to make a topic "Beware of NAMI the pharma front group" cause we are way off topic on this thread, NAMI is such a disgusting corrupt organization, do your homework and feel free to attempt to defend them. I look forward to seeing your attempts. lol
  19. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I agree.

    The vast majority of people suffering simply require someone who is not judgmental to chat with.
    Forums where everyone is in the same boat can breed a lot of negativity and self pity and on occasions do a lot of harm (or worse).
    Whereas those linked to any medical or pharmaceutical organisation have their own agenda.
    I would encourage anyone who has problems that cause anxiety or depression to spend time chatting to the broad cross section of members on sites such as HF.
    General involvement on the current threads will almost certainly occupy their mind and help them down a better path.
    Advice on medication is never a good idea, since while reduction of antidepressants can be positive, some people will be prescribed anticoagulants to reduce neurological conditions such as TIA, as well as cardiac abnormalities. Sudden cessation of these medications could be fatal.

    I help with technical problems at a local care home and residents were always transferred to other parts of the building when I was on the premises.
    I soon stopped all that and worked alongside them unblocking their sink, repairing their washing machine and carrying out most other work. The staff were quite surprised at how much less stress this approach caused to the residents than being herded into a strange room like a dumb animal.
  20. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Take a look at my last post.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2019

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