There are so many Gods and Goddesses in forums today that these places begin to look as in the days of Babel. Two camps do seem to be forming though. Those who seek on the left and and those who have found on the right. Which camp are you in? If you seek God, where are you looking? If you have found your God, please supply a name. Show me yours and I will show you mine. Regards DL P.S. Gnosis is knowledge that leads to wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia in our myths. She has faith in you finding her. Thank God Eve ate and Adam had the good sense to do as told and eat as well.
If you can seek, find and name God it's not God. It's a mental concept. If you say as Jesus did that I and the Father are one and the kingdom of God is among and within you. Now that's God.
Do you follow the Apostles creed and believe in miracles and that your God condemned you? Do you know why there was an injunction and death penalty for saying Jahovah. I'm so afraid to say it. Regards DL
I am in the camp that believes in my own self..... I refuse to be brainwashed in any way...... I believe in good people, when I see it with my own eyes, but I have even heard doing good is for selfish reasons, to feel good about one's self.
You seem like great Gnostic Christian material. You should check them out. One plus for us is we give women and gays full equality. We do not discriminate negatively without just cause like Christians and Muslims do. I digress. There is a self serving component to all benevolent and altruistic acts. Man has an addictive nature and it feels good to our consciousness to know that we have made a friend who will watch our backs. It is a great survival tactic and addiction. Remember that the reverse of feeling good about doing good is feeling bad about doing good. Scratch head here. If we all get greedy for good feelings from doing good to others, :2thumbsup: for :love:. Let's all let our selfish genes lose. Regards DL
Or Maybe she is just herself and needs no religion to follow. What's funny is a while back you said your religion gave women and gays a higher standing, now you say it's equal, equal to what, straight men? Why not do as some have and believe in yourself and quit wasting your time trying to sell some kind of Other religion to people who have obviously decided on their own when not involved in a church of some kind? It happens that people can have their own religion when they are raised to believe in themselves rather then seek a leadership of someone else to drag their butts through life. Try it out sometime. You won't turn back once you find yourself and your own god within you. Be good to others and they will probably be good to you as well, sometimes that fails but karma kicks in for those ones, or later they try to turn into some religion to clean themselves. Why do you think everyone Needs to belong to something?
Where idolatry is concerned, it's not the gods with proper names that are the problem in modern societies. Wealth, status. power, and sensual pleasure are the idols we need to contend with if we are to serve the true God: the ineffable and transcendent Ground of Being and source of ultimate meaning. Let our ultimates be ultimate! God is love.
??? Read this and tell me we do not believe in ourselves. As to equality, tell me, do you believe In the law of the sea? Should it be applied on earth as well as water? A Gnostic Christian will say yes. Is that not better than equality? I think so as it shows man his duty to his family. Equality for all but without forgetting our duty to the family. Compare that to Christians and Muslims. Regards DL
Why should we join any kind of religion? Including yours? We don't all need leaders. And. I didn't read your thing above, that's what they all tell us to do in hopes we fall for something said.
The God I'm referring to isn't an idol but being itself. God is '"necessary being"-- the Ground of Being/Ground of Meaning, above the level of any particular being, and therefore not an idol. The OT may be getting at this when Yahweh says "I Am that Am" (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה; ehyeh ašer ehyeh). God is ultimate reality. God is Love.(ὁ θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστίν) You can worship God or not worship God. That's your choice. In my experience and observation, the worship of idols is ultimately unrewarding. There is no God but God. Lah ilaha illa Allah لا إله إلا الله
When you even fear to read something then your brain is already in chains to your religion. If it's hold on you is that light and fragile then you are doing a lot of lying to yourself. The least you could have done was choose a religion that gives women and gays equality instead of Christianity which makes second class citizens of all women and gays. Regards DL
So you worship ultimate reality. Why? Reality cannot know that you worship it and I doubt it would want your worship for it being what it cannot help being if it had a mind to think with. As above so below.. Do you expect worship just for being what you cannot help being? If not, why should your God? Regards DL
All Gods and their injunctions and so called holy books are man made. God does not write or speak. No hands and no tongue. He has no power except for what man can create for him. Regards DL
Our fine free life is made to seem obscure by our idolatrous affections. Our heart attends the things we value. I don't mean idolatrous as in worshiping the wrong god but idolatrous in the sense of seeing value as something apart from yourself or apart from our own god given being. It is a belief in magic or a superstition looking for heroes or scapegoats even in the form of philosophies. The power of love to transform is not magic it is miraculous.
And all men are fashioned of god this is made obscure by guilty verdicts and critical accusations. The holy or whole spirit speaks as loudly as you are willing to listen. As spirit or breath we share our thoughts with each other. The voice of the holy or whole spirit in you always appeals to some form of peace. There are two voices in your head, one is brash and defensive and speaks first and loudly and it considers your body your home. The other comes quietly, reasonably, well measured and it speaks for the heart and spirit of things. One is the voice of fear for it has something to protect in the body and in upholding it's image. In the end it grows silent. The other the voice of love for wisdom is the best protection for the body as the body follows the edicts of the mind perpetually. The voice of god is ever in your own invocation.