Something WEIRD is happening to mine and I was wondering if it's happening to anyone else, I've had my fb group for years it's never seen much action, only has a few members I'm surprised anyone even know's it exists, in the last few months the member request to join has gone crazy, from 6 to a dozen people asking to join to 40 to 60 every single day ! has anyone else had this happen ?
Not exactly worried about it I just find it so strange that it goes from being dead to all this activity, more curious about how people are suddenly finding it, I mean hey it's a group for small breasted lovlies it should've been popular years ago LOL
i don't have a facebook anything, nor a twiter, nor any of those other kinds of things. i had a website of my own, once upon a time, when the internet was still relatively young and personal computers had a no wider then 32 bit data path, most of them 16 and a few of them still 8. i've done nothing to it in more then a decade and i think it may finally have completely died. i've thought it had several times before, only to find it somehow having ressurected itself. even to have become again fully functional. which totally surprised me that could happen. last i checked, it is once again non-existent. i've even dropped my nation states account, having been accused of something on their totally not what i had said or anything i had done. i'm on a bunch of mailing lists for progressive causes, because they were things i was interested in and still am, i sign their petitions when they're something i agree with. i'm on this forum here, and perhapse not that often at that, and i have my page on fur affinity. i don't use any of those instant messaging things either. my interests are primarily in technology bits i can use creatively, and sharing the art i create with them. i did recently join a local blender (the 3d program, not the thing you make smoothies with) meetup group. other members of it may have pages on one of those things. i don't know. i've yet to actually meet any of them. i think i may have been part of one or more yahoo groups at one time or another. if i still am, none of them seem to be currently active.
I am associate Admin of 11 groups - two lesbian specific (I am lead in both), 1 LGBT, two for some general issues, one I was invited to as friend of someone and it is a Trans group, the rest have to do with setting up the ecovillage I a working on. There are new changes where basically FB wants money for you to be seen. The only other way is to get a great deal of activity and get more members. The internet is a popularity contest, numbers count. More posts and activity get you noticed and spread, you need to instruct your group members to check the group and also to make the change to force themselves to get notifications. (pages work the same way)
i don't care so much about being seen, and certainly not enough to pay to be. eco-villages interest me though i may have some unconventional ideas about infrastructual aspects. things a lot of people are not as interested in as i am. now a website about eco-villages that wasn't about selling books, with forums and galleries, that would attract me more then anything on or about any of those social networking sites. i'm not a peaople person. i'm a design concepts person.
the one I am involved in will be very basic and has strict requirements to join, this group (which I am in but do not run) is a meeting place for resources and lists different ecovillages even https://www.************/groups/224148967647327/ I am not much of a people person either (aspergers) but have to force myself to get this started