I volunteer now and then with a environmental non-profit and buy from respectable companys, but I feel like its not enough. I would like to be out there sabotaging and working with organizations like earth first that work with direct action. I appreciate legal action and protesting is good spirited but doesn't have the effects I feel are nesicary. Being political is nesicary but its so hard for show others that they might have been mislead. But then if I did volunteer for an extreme group it would involve me giving up alot of my ideals for the group and many of their descisions are made prematurely. Then I think of renagade actions I could make by myself using resources like the anarchist cookbook. But then theres the dreaded "Patriot Act" where they wouldn't need complete proff that I did anything to put me in jail indefinitely. So WTF? Is there anything out there that I can DO to help? Am I the only one that feels stuck in this paradox?
Well I'm not big on activism myself, I can tell you that nobody really takes "extreme" organizations like the ALF seriously. These days, violence just isn't a good way to get your voice heard, no matter what your point is. If you really feel that way, maybe you should look into running for office. It sounds like you've grown tired of activism and such as a means of getting your point accross, maybe you can try to make a difference from the inside. Just a thought.
Certainly posting your interest/intent to persue violent protest is a pretty lousy first step. After all, Big Brother IS watching.