Do Androids for app.'s usage and linking have "cords"?

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Anaximenes, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    But they got rammed in my heart many years ago from the onset of the age of reaching for the classic WI-FI. This is supposed to be absolutely "wireless" technology. That might mean in the abstract sense wireless for any cords I may attach to peripheries and controlling devices I may attach for transmission rather than passive reception.

    But the Cord like the Jack from the outside source gets abused at the user for the usage by constant manipulation of the levelling formula that was most developed by Macintosh.

    It's like a nail in the coffin by the designer of the revealed "not linkage", because that is clearly software, but modal channel which is determinate pulse sending by the hardware explained sensually (yes?). :devil:

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