DMT video links

Discussion in 'DMT' started by INSANEPOOKIE, Jan 16, 2007.


    INSANEPOOKIE Prancing Dragon

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    Post DMT related video links here if you will...
    (Terence McKenna Talks About His DMT Trip - The sound quality isn't the best but you are able to understand him)
    (Digging deep is the hallmark of the archeo-astronomist and spiritual shamanic seeker Graham Hancock...) (This is just a video of the equipment for one version of extraction) (Joe Rogan's Floatation Tank - Or at least I think it's his - He's a DMT fan) (Terence Mckenna - 04 - Psychedelic Society) (Seeking the Stone Part 1 - This is more of psychedelics related presentation) (Seeking the Stone Part 2 - This is more of psychedelics related presentation)
    Long Desc:
    An eloquent perspective by Terence McKenna on the idea of a spiritual path for all and an impending transformation of the human world. In ... all » his singularly lucid, prosaic style, McKenna presents profoundly compelling ideas that challenge our beliefs and encourage our participation in the creation of a new social reality. He champions the individual’s freedom of choice in deciding one’s own sexual and spiritual development and techniques. He highlights the role of hallucinogenic plants in shamanic societies and their impact on the evolution of human cultures. See why this cyber-techno-shaman is drawing freethinking crowds wherever he speaks and find out what role you may play in the unfolding of our “post-historical future” as we approach a major “concresence” in human history.
    (Dana trips with psychonaut buddy Chris Bennett, first eating magic-mushrooms and then smoking a fat bowl of DMT, giving us a play by play of his own inner theatre.)
    (ohm tastes 5-MeO-DMT for the first time - This really looks like a horrible setting for stronger psychedelics)
    (ohm trys 5-MeO-DMT yet a second time - part 1)
    (ohm trys 5-MeO-DMT yet a second time - part 2)
    (coolio does 5-MeO-DMT)

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