I am new to this site and not sure how to title my subject. You get the idea though. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas as to the possibility of "body-covered" sex, or some version thereof. I have seriously wondered if you can have sex with a partner while completely body and parts protected. I have searched body condoms but all I get are costumes. I am not young by any means but I have a high libido and 10 months without sex is proving to be well, very hard, and I am NOT good with the notion of this going on for another year or so! I was thinking of perhaps a masked massage followed by covered oral. That seems the most realistic at this point. The thing is, I am a very good performer and love to touch and to please, I'm not just looking to get off, although that is always nice. I am straight, fwiw. I will post again as I think of other ways to explain this and if I get any more big ideas. As I said, I JUST joined. This looks like the best forum for my state of mind. Nice to meet y'all, all well-intended responses appreciated! - A
I'm thinking you are referring to trying to avoid catching the COVID virus and the social distancing that comes with it. Wouldn't having sex without any body contact be a fetish or some kind of kink? Wrap yourself in saran wrap so a partner couldn't touch you much less expose yourself to COVID. If that's the case why go to the trouble? Just get a silicone fuck doll, lube up the holes, and fuck away. Fuck dolls don't carry viruses but can get moldy if you don't clean them properly. But really, this social distancing thing isn't that restrictive. I've been fucking, skin on skin or with only a condom between us, for months now. Looking back I went from mid February to early May without. Since then I have had sex with 4 or 5 different women either with a FB or in a massage parlor. Gotten jacked off by a masseuse while she wore a mask even. I don't know how you go about getting your pussy but I'm sure if you use a website or any other means it is doable.
Thank you for your response, some good input. The cellophane thing was somewhat intended as a starting point in looking for some alternative ideas. I have been wondering just how dangerous fucking actually can be right now, if it's as risky as one might think. I am quite aware of the options online. I see that the providers have been active this whole time. It seems like they would be taking a huge risk but they seem to be working steadily. I have been inactive since mid January. I realize that I'm not adding anything new to this, but good to hear that you have been doing alright with it, gives me hope.
You could always look at a latex body suit, get one with a hole for your cock to stick through or cut a hole, if you don't fancy latex then pvc is another possibility, I had a partner and she liked watersports, her favourite one was being fucked in the car while desperate for a piss, she'd wait until she was really really desperate and tell me to fuck her, she'd lose it and piss herself. At this point she'd have a massive orgasm, ok this was good fun but it could get messy especially in a car, so we came up with the idea of a pvc body suit with a hole in the crotch to allow me to enter her, the suit was slightly loose, when she pissed it ran down into the suit and collected in her boots, no mess in the car.
Following the first lockdown, many NHS hospitals are more worried about the maternity units being overwhelmed during the next few months.
That wouldn't surprise me at all. I think many countries will see a rise in birth rates across the winter months and into spring.
Thanks for the suggestions, pvc or latex. Seems like I might have thought of those myself. I would probably go with whichever allows more contact feel. I NEVER imagined that I would be considering these kind of options, but desperate measures are in order! Dental dam for DATY, although that might not prevent seepage altogether.
Makes sense to me, about the beginning of the year: March + 9 = December. A bit OT, but I have been wondering how this is affecting the sex trade. This has to be incredibly hard on them (not gonna go there..). From what I can see though, it looks as though they are still at it, at least the main online orgs. Seems REALLY risky to me, kinda sad as well.
Thank you for your response. Interesting that you are in ideal circumstances to avoid getting it yet you did. I am a musician living and working in the Bay Area and I am out in public quite a bit. I had a mild strain of it in July for a few weeks. I do all of the COVID protocol but it managed to get in somehow. I don't know if you have read my previous posts. It just seems like there might be some alternative ideas for safe sex in these times being exchanged by now, which is why I started this.