Disconnect with some online American lesbians

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by Helenaz, Aug 25, 2020.

  1. Helenaz

    Helenaz Newbie

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    I don't know what else to call this, and it may be controversial, buy this can't be just me, can it?

    I'm stilly pretty closeted, and exploring online for communication with fellow lesbians, I just find that part of the community is run by an American view of life

    I'm European, have lived in the U.S., but prefer Europe.

    The thing that bothers me for example is that apparently I'm being to direct , which offends American culture? I just feel some Americans are indoctrinated, pushing their world image and way of life way too much on others.

    It's the age old you can talk about guns, and not a woman's nipple issue

    I'm sick and tired of American dominance in that regard. Their constitution is flawed, containing lots of racism and sexism, their social rights and safety nets like health care are atrocious, their politics often disgusting

    Yet, here they claim to hold a moral high ground, and too often I find American lesbians to be these self righteous accusatory people.

    I've actually been called homophobic by one lesbian, while I was at the forefront of gay rights over 20 years ago at times

    It's this like arrogant judgemental holier than thou with some American lesbians that just irritates me to no end.

    Anyone else? I'd like to get too a constructive discussion, if possible, but more and more fed up with the U.S. lately, and just done with it, basically, just such a mess

    You're not as cool or awesome as you may think you are, and by forcing your world view on others violating the very Bill of Rights and Constitution you live under, as well as seriously limiting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
    lion1978, Bilby and MayQueen~420~ like this.
  2. MayQueen~420~

    MayQueen~420~ ♫♪♫♪

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    I agree with you in a lot of ways. For most, especially "studs" I've found it's all a big ego trip, which is a big turn off for me.
  3. MayQueen~420~

    MayQueen~420~ ♫♪♫♪

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    Also, Americans are VERY pushy when it comes to their views on anything. I don't know when it became the American way, but it does anger me quite a bit.
    lion1978 likes this.
  4. soulpoker

    soulpoker Senior Member

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    Guy here, bisexual, American. I don't intend to address your question, but I want to provide some perspective. I'll say (Western) Europeans are generally more advanced when it comes to matters of sexuality. We're dealing with far more idiots who go out of their way to discredit and invalidate the LGBT community than our (Western) European neighbors. Some politicians know this and take advantage of this fact to instill fear and hate in whatever constituents support them, just like they do with race and religion. That's far from saying Americans are monolithically homophobic and scared of sex like one would be scared of fire.
    We're not all gun totin' rednecks who disregard the environment, support "you know whom" and hate anyone who's "different." Some of us wear...masks! A lot of us are not under the delusion we're better than the rest of the world just because we're 'merican. The current dumpster fire in Washington does not represent most Americans, but is a source of frustration and disapproval.
    Again, I'm saying nothing in particular about the American LGBT community other than we're dealing with a lot of shit here. For one, we're tired of rightist politicians all of a sudden acting religiously and being concerned about the sanctity of marriage or some such horseshit. Part of our demeanor is a reaction to this.
    Bilby likes this.

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