I need some strait talk please.... I am in Pain all the time I have only been in Pain Mgt for a few months now and due to this time was a wreck where i was rolled 3 times the refractory migraines I have had for over a decade Im on Exlago and Dilaudid 8 with getting sick from the migraine I dissolved 2 pills and gave my self IM shot. I use all sterile and filter it repeatedly.. I know its not good but what am I missing safety wise I use sterile cotton and also a 19G filtered needed then transfer to a 25g x 1.5 3ml using 1.5 to dissolve. I do used all new and sterile gear and I am not looking for a high just relief from pain, I have been on Dilaudid for a long damn time ... So Thank you to anyone that takes the time to reply so Fire for effect,,,,,
Let me give you a real answer. First of all don't shoot your Dillaudid. Second every doctor know that pill form Dillaudid is boarder line useless. You need to explain to your dr the d's are not working. He will moslikely put you on a barbiturate medication for your headaches. Barbiturates are also a controlled substance so you will have to pick up the prescription, but in my opinion it is a much much better pill for your problem. I hope this was help!
You really should not IM AKA skin pop your Dilaudid it really makes no sense at all for the best high. The reason people like to shot main line D's is for the rush they give, Its as good and some think even better than dope. Also hydromorphone is a real short acting opioid meaning its half life is very quick. It comes on real fast but does not last all that long. It gives one hell of a great rush and high but it has no legs for lasting. I am not saying start mainlining your D's because as a iv heroin/opioid addict I know how damn evil the drug is when done like that ! When you start shooting up mainlining hard opioids you are not only chasing the high but now you get so addicted to the rush the drug gives when hitting your system so fast.But if you want my honest opinion you are wasting it by IM'ing it. Also another thing I just thought about by IM'ing the drug you are really risking getting one hell of a nasty abscess, thats when most abscess come with heroin/IV addicts is when you miss a shot and IM'ing a pill is kind of like missing a shot. Be careful man a bad abscess is no joke I have had a few in my day and all came from missing my vein with coke or pills
I had that happen to me once, and it's no fun. It wasn't from drugs, but Insulin for diabetes. It was very stupid on my part, I'll admit it. I was running low on syringes, so for a few days I was cleaning and re-using them. I was flushing them with alcohol then water to clean the alcohol out. It worked, then one time I forgot. Just once. Within 45 min. I knew that I'd screwed up. It felt like I'd been bitten in the stomach by something. It was a Fri. night, so the soonest I could get in to see my doctor was Monday. Luckily I got to see him as a walk-in (VA clinic). By then the sore looked almost like a bullseye and hurt like hell. He gave me antibiotics and a consult for the surgical clinic 3 days later. In spite of the antibiotics it got worse and was the size of a half-dollar by the time I got to the surgical clinic. When they cut and drained that thing I thought I was going to pass out. They packed it with some kind of iodine strips. It took almost a month for that thing to heal properly. Needless to say I've never let my supply of syringes run low again.