Different types of condoms

Discussion in 'Birth Control' started by la Principessa, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    I've never tried anything other than latex condoms. I was researching sheepskin condoms and I was interested in getting everyone's opinions on them. I read that it protects less against STIs but is it as effective in preventing pregnancy? I'm not worried on the STI front seeing as my guy and I are clean. I just hear that a lot of guys don't perform well with latex condoms. My guy has issues with certain types of latex condoms being too thick, and he can't feel anything. Any time we've had sex without a condom has been very enjoyable, but with is a little more..artificial.

    Another reason I'm interested is I'm veering towards going eco-friendly in any aspect of my life that I can, and I read that sheepskin condoms are fully biodegradable.

    So does anyone find that sheepskin feels better during sex?
  2. lunarverse

    lunarverse The Living End

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    Many brands make super thin condoms. I've started without one on then put it on during and the difference in sensation is as minimal as you're going to get.

    Yes, condoms suck. Everyone knows that. But an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy sucks more.

    As for sheepskin and your environmental reasons, I have no idea. But I'd imagine they're not cheap.

    Maybe pick your battles? Use latex and buy some go mugs and reuseable bags (instead of plastic cups and bags) instead of using sheepskin condoms.
  3. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I have not heard of sheepskin condoms in 40 years. I didn't know they still made them. I kind of doubt you are going to find many who have tried them.

    By the way, the Bill Gates Foundation is funding several projects to develop a much better condom that people won't mind using.
  4. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Nothing more sexy than slapping a dead sheep's skin on your junk then bahhing and sticking it in your woman...
    Honestly though, I don't understand when people strive to be environmentally friendly yet at the same time don't seem to care about animals. I don't wanna go off topic in your thread, but the best thing anyone can do for the environment is go vegan..
    I suggest trying the super thin condoms like lunar mentioned.
  5. lunarverse

    lunarverse The Living End

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    I thought the irony was hilarious.
  6. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    I'd like answers to the question without the preaching. If we didn't eat some animals or kill them, the population would skyrocket. It's not the same thing as avoiding destroying our planet until we can't survive here anymore.
  7. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    I'm on the pill now, so I'm not worried about pregnancy. I am extremely cautious about STIs though. I've never had one, and I intend to keep it that way. I only use condoms when I'm having sex with someone other than my husband.

    I've never tried sheep skin, but the closest thing to unsheathed penis are trojan ultra thin, IMO.

    I hope you find something that suits you both!
  8. lunarverse

    lunarverse The Living End

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    Well, sex is always going to happen. And condoms need to happen. It's a necessary evil. If saving the environment from latex is a strong moral of yours, there's always chemical control and the surgical methods..

    Or, again, pick your battles. Bicycle, use reuseable bags, travel mugs, brown paper bags (hello deforestation), etc.

    The problem with the planet is not necessarily our use of plastics. The main problem is that there's too many humans. So.. Good call using condoms.
  9. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    Like I said, the environmental reason was just a perk, not the main reason to look into it.
  10. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i love the way it feels. and the sheep seems to enjoy my skin while we're going at it too.

    god, i wish..
  11. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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  12. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    Actually they are made from Sheep intestine, not sheepskin.
  13. Zebra123

    Zebra123 Member

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    I've used sheep skin condoms before with an ex. They are quite different to normal as they basic pull over ur penis then has a sort of draw string at the base. They are wider and longer aswell.

    The feeling is way, way better than any thin condom. U can feel the warmth a lot better. My ex even asked if it was still on.

    Def try them out
  14. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    Latex is biodegradable.
  15. Crazyjane

    Crazyjane Guest

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    I feel like guys perform better wearing condoms they like and that fit. My guy likes trying different condoms and likes to think he needs bigger ones...

    Just try some condoms and find some you agree on and stick with it.

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