So i know the penis isn't actually round and is more ellipsoid. But i see that many penises seem rounder than mine and i was curious on how much difference there is in shape so if you have measured and if you can measure can you tell me what is the width of your penis going from left to right and going from front to back. And this is for erect sizes.
The either: Curve up Curve down Curve Left Curve Right No Curve I find ones that curve to look sexy, when sucking are a little tricky when they curve to the side. This one guy I see his dick feels really fuckin hard inside me. I’m curious if it has to do with his sideways curve and applying more pressure on the sides of me. I don’t have too much reverence yet. Mine has a slight upwards curve nothing drastic but you can see the upward curve.
i wasn't talking about a curve. I was talking about the circle when we measure girth. It usually isn't a perfect circle and is usually wider from side to side. For example maybe it's 1.5 inch wide when you measure from above but 1.2 inches if you measure the width from the side.
I always measure girth as the circumference. some vary in shape sure. I’ve seen one that was almost a rounded rectangle shape vs round.
I don't think many penises will be exactly round, actually. Most of the shape of the erect penis is determined by three swelling bodies (top left, top right, bottom). So it's more like a rounded triangle. Also I don't think many women will complain about your not-quite-round penis. Everything not completely perfectly shaped adds to the friction.
yeah but some and rounder and some are flatter and also it matters a bit because the girth measurement doesn't tell the full story. Some might be 6 inches thick but 2 inches wide and some might be 6 inches thick but 1.8 inches wide
The human penis is neither round nor ellipsoid. Not even close. This is an ellipsoid shape: Of the basic geometric forms for which a volumetric value is easily calculable, the human penis most closely resembles the cylinder in shape. If yours more closely resembles an ellipsoid or any of the forms below other than a cylinder, you aren't going to pass on your genes. I suppose coitus would be possible also with a hexagonal or pentagonal prism-shape, but I've seen about 2,000 men nude and none of them had a penis with a shape closer to any of these than the cylinder is. I guarantee that when you unroll a condom it's nowhere near ellipsoid shape, and that's for a reason - because the penis isn't ellipsoid, nor round Put your ruler and formulae away, and do a simple water displacement test. It's faster and easier than what you're trying to do, and it's the only accurate way of identifying the size of an irregularly-shaped three dimensional appendage without medical imaging equipment. For a water displacement test, you don't need anything that isn't already in your kitchen. Mine: 4.7 cubic centimeters.
You would love mine. The head is wrist thick. Gals love it when i push it in, fills them up so nicely (sometimes painfully) off you are interested I’ll show you the chart i filled out for fitting my Dick for a condom.
Mine is shaped like a three cylinder shaft. It measures 2" in both directions, top to bottom and side to side
I have never measured mine, but from all the penises I have seen (mainly flaccid) there is a great variety, and not just in length and girth.
Length Girth Thickness at base Thickness at head Up/down curvature Left/right curvature Circumcision status Length of foreskin Placement of circumcision scar Shape of head Color Prominence of veins Grower vs show-we Size of balls Tightness/length of scrotum Hairy vs trimmed vs shaved When you put all those combinations together, you almost have an infinite number of penis types/looks out there.