Did The Democratic Party Lose On Purpose?

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by anwiyayoukhanna, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. anwiyayoukhanna

    anwiyayoukhanna Member

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    I have a theory about the recent election and congressional elections. Political science is a complex game. It is not like sports where you try and win every game you can, because history, influence, and cultural development is involved.

    I think the Democrats lost this election on purpose. I will try and explain why I see it that way, and why that would be a greater win in the long run, for the socialistic party. And so you know my bias, I think it was a smart move. The kind of move that shows how much more politically savvy their party is.

    Why would they want the loss? Why would anyone want to lose? In the game of politics and particularly American politics it was the right time to take a folding hand. There have been many predictions that whoever won in 2016 was going to be a one term president. They do not come often, and there has not been one in this century yet. I think the time is ripe for a one term president considering the social atmosphere and timing. The last one term presidents we had were George Bush senior and Jimmy Carter. Both of them have some similarities to the current president, in that they are dedicated to the values of their party in a strange way. They are almost too dedicated, in a way that is not practical and will not remain popular for a long time.

    The signs already seem to be showing that this will happen. The women's march was a bigger turnout than the inauguration. The Democrats played this one out well, because now they look like the victim, and the victim is a powerful role in modern politics. Democrats are not going to win everytime. So what do you do, knowing that? You let the other party win at a time when they most certainly hold the executive branch for only one term. Then you take a Democrat who plays the victim card and can win for eight years. It looks like a smart move to me.

    On top of that, for the sake of history, the Democrats made a lot of headway in this election. A Jewish man who is openly a dedicated socialist had a huge voice. That's never happened before. Hillary didn't even lose by much, it was a matter of 5-6 states that decided the election, which also makes me think they lost on purpose. If we have a first female president who only runs one term, that doesn't look good for history. Though by just being patient, and let a president with no prior political experience make inevitable mistakes, they can play off his failures and elect someone just as influential as Obama.

    I think this is how politics really works. It's like a game chess, and at times also like a game of poker. You take risks, setup sacrifices, and then go all in for a much bigger win than it appeared at first.
  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Occam's razor

    After 2 terms of a President from one party , its always going to be an uphill battle to get a new President in from the same party, no matter who the candidates are

    This happens the world over
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  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The Democrat and Republican Party are controlled by the same elite group of people. Presidents are selected, not elected.
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  4. solar.lover

    solar.lover Members

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    this is exactly the case, but let's hope trump doesn't get 8 years in oh lordy
  5. solar.lover

    solar.lover Members

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    that said we're just stuck in a monotonous battle of two evils
  6. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    Yes, absolutely. Hillary clearly threw the race when she didn't campaign, particularly in states that she should have won. Instead Trump campaigned there and walked away with votes she could have easily held. Roll it back to 2008, when the republican party chose McCain to face Obama. You had to know it was kabuki theater when they rolled that old fossil out. Then Romney, who was actually pulling ahead suddenly went missing for a week before the election.

    And look how the Clintons abandoned Al Gore when he was facing the thug GW Bush who surrounded himself with his father's creepy CIA goons. While Bush 1 managed to inherit the throne from Reagan, he was useless when it came time to face Bill "I didn't inhale" Clinton who spanked him handily in the debates. While I don't think Carter threw the race to Reagan, his incompetence with the economy and Iran made life miserable for Americans. I am curious about why they let an outsider like Trump carry it away this time, but I figure it's to teach America a lesson and the torpedos are already being loaded. We'll have a couple of years of prosperity, then it will all be taken away, again.

    It's all part of the show folks.
  7. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Whoever advertises the most tends to almost always win, but Trump's election is over the objections of his own party leaders and reflects the fact that elections have become so rigged that usually whoever advertises the most will win because the mindless mob no longer gives a crap about what is coming out of most politicians mouths. The truth and the issues are no longer the issue when your own president is telling you that everything is fake news. Americans insisted money run the show and then got upset when the money train left them behind and are now at a loss as to what to do next voting for whatever clown happens to scream the loudest.

    The democrats can't do anything with 20% of the population constantly threatening to bankrupt the government if they don't get everything they want. Its war between those with money and the mindless mob is merely another weapon in their fight over who is running the show next. At the rate its going the democratic party has no choice but to either find its backbone or wither away. Either one party actually stands against corruption or the two will go down the toilet and, soon enough, Trump may convince them both to get their shit together more and find more common ground in protecting their democracy instead of their pockets.
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  8. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Funny you mention sports...the Democrats trying to lose is like a home run hitter purposely only hitting a flyout to the warning track.
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  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i don't think its ever that simple, but the real will of the people, is something neither party really makes its highest priority.
    this is why an exactly and only two party system, is pretty thoroughly much bull shit.

    if elections could be honestly and impartially secured, no political parties would be necessary.
    unless and until they can, no fixed number of political parties can ever insure that they will.
  10. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    The democrats and republicans are at war with one another with the republican party increasing demanding they get everything they want or they will bankrupt the government and storm the palace. Its the civil war all over again where the industrial north bent over backwards for 40 years to appease the slave owners and farmers in the south who demanded everything they could think of including that their own slaves count for 3/5ths of a vote! Eventually the south saw that no matter what they did they were steadily getting the short end of the stick and their way of life would never survive the continuing encroachment of civilization and technology. Of course, being insane, they never in a million years could understand why the north with all the money, guns, and people to spare would come after them after decades of their abuse and seek vengeance when they tried to walk away from their own wage slavery to the industrial corporations. They were making a killing in cotton and Hat Fields and McCoy insanity involving slavery and money just isn't a recipe for happiness.

    Its actually the same story being repeated around the globe today with fundamentalists from largely rural backgrounds even paying people to blow themselves up in crowded places. According to the National Science Foundation one in five Americans insists the sun revolves around the earth and you simply cannot have a functional democracy when the insane are running the asylum and refuse to cooperate with anyone. Now that the democrats and urban population of the US have begun to clearly outnumber the republicans who have even gerrymandered the vote to their advantage it won't be long before the democrats start to demand their vengeance.
  11. diesel#

    diesel# Members

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    Democrats ran a dead fish and republicans ran someone that spoke to union members, as well as more African Americans than Romney did in the past. Each party seems to put a limp noodle in the running after 8 years in office. Republicans did with McStain in 08.

    Beyond that a few things are underlying here. The war on free speech. If you offend someone nowadays you get silenced. That's not how America works. Folks are tired of it.
    De-Masculinization of men in society, Globalization are a few others.
    Plus Hillary wanted more government when we're figuring out now that more isn't the answer. She lost on jobs, terrorism, trade, immigration, etc.... on top of all that was the various scandals she had attached to her. Lots Bernie voters were pissed that she stole the nomination via Debbie Wasserman Shultz. So they either sat this one out or voted Trump or Johnson.

    We're seeing socialism going down the drain and the protests and riots are proof.
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  12. crossroadsblue

    crossroadsblue Members

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    Hey, I thought the GOP was thinking along similar lines about trump and clinton. They could sit back and watch trump play the fool and lose, spend four years investigsting Hillary, and go all in for 2020.
  13. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    America hasn't had any serious left wing politics since the 1940s. The government doesn't even own the post office or telephone system anymore and labor unions are struggling to survive. All this bullshit about socialism in America is merely right wing rhetoric attempting to hide the fact we don't have a functional democracy anymore and the wealth has all accumulated at the top. They have suppressed wages for over 40 years and the middle class is being squeezed like never before with the end result that even the military is now collecting food stamps in record numbers. Its just not a good idea to have a military that doesn't support the government and all the fighting over benefits is merely the wealthy arguing over what scraps they are willing to dole out and to who. It becomes rather difficult to get anyone to work when you give the poor too much and crack the whip too hard on the middle class.

    The riots aren't proof of the failure of socialism, but the failure of American democracy.
  14. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    The Democrats did not lose on purpose, but the Superbowl may have been rigged... so who knows by this point. Anything is possible.
  15. diesel#

    diesel# Members

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    I will agree with that 100%

    I work in the railroad industry and it's really awful how the middle class (especially blue collar) gets screwed from every direction. My union always tells us to vote democrat. Looking at how the previous administration destroyed the coal industry and economy in general made lots of us union guys not vote for them. Raegan ended us being able to strike which forever crippled our union, he was republican. Up until this last election cycle I believe 90% of people at work always voted other than republican.

    Maybe we'll all get this straightened out soon and learn to respect one another, but I think it will get bloody before it gets better unfortunately.
  16. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Thanks to the majority of the American people insisting the mass media and government they call evil all lie to them for their own protection, our politics have become reality TV, Professional Wrestling, and the Three Stooges arguing over the definition of stupid and who is the best example, while Trump runs around calling everything anybody says "Fake News".

    Political Clowns​
    The best political clowns are those none can find;
    The next best are both loved and praised;
    And those remaining,
    Adopt, any caricatures!
    As if joining some parade!
    And meandering downtown!
    Angry clowns, jumping around!
    Losing interest, in political humor,
    The majority become reliably gullible;
    Most voting for the first clown in town,
    Who merely happens, to scream the loudest!​
  17. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I believe the Democrats lost because they have created a cultural climate that has become a parody of itself. And I think Americans were sick of it.

    They promoted free speech, until someone says something they don't like.
    They promote free choice, and then label people as racist or misogynistic if they didn't vote for their candidates.
    They claim to support gender equality, and then vilify men for being men.
    They claim to support racial equality, and then vilify white people for being white.

    In my eyes, they divided more than they united, and swung the pendulum too far in one direction. And we all know what happens when you swing a pendulum too far in one direction: it swings back, the other way, equally as far. And that is what we are experiencing now.

    I'm no politician or political science professor. But that's how I see it. I think the liberal left's hearts are in the right place, but after too long of them punishing people for being different while espousing the notion of equality, they created a silent majority that reacted with an expected conviction.
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  18. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    They refused to accept the party the people wanted (Bernie) while simultaneously convincing the other side that they were still "socialist" it's amazing to me. Not only did they ignore Bernie and rig it against him but Hillary was so rude and arrogant about people would not give her a vote. She thought people had no choice and she found out they did.

    I know the Trump voter thinks the Bernie politics are over but they are not. What we are seeing now is the last extreme breaths of the old style. Democratic socialist ponces are coming in the long term. Only 1 in 4 people voted for the current president so as much those people want to think they are the majority the numbers say otherwise. Even with those 1 in 4 without the convoluted electoral college Hillary would still have won. Bush also won with the electoral college. So again by simple numbers certain views are a minority and have been for a while. And Trump is fucking up so bad that long term people are going to want a change. Bernie had just as much support if not more than Trump and his ideas will not be forgotten. If you think socialism is over it's not. What you are seeing now is the left's tea party. They are also mad.
  19. diesel#

    diesel# Members

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    Neoprene_queen I agree with that 100%
  20. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hmmmm...That's strange. I have never vilified anyone for being different and who they are. I have never attacked anyone personally the way that I have been attacked and vilified by the right, for not having the same views or feelings about things as they do. I am part of the left. Must be some other left you are referring to.

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