Sex in the City, and other such shows. Really? If women looked like that in real life those suburbs and downtowns would be a WHOLE lot livelier. I watch them for the incredible eye-candy..of the ladies!!! I never watched those shows when I lived in the US..too busy riding horses and dancing and hiking and working, etc., but here in Thailand there are a couple of TV channels that play old US TV shows so I'm watching them for the first time when I get home from work. I'm in love with all of them!! The women are gorgeous, intelligent, and great comedic actors, but of course they are only pretending to be "ordinary people." Right. But the point of using pretty people is to get and keep the attention of the audience. Oh, well. I can watch the L-Word bedroom scenes without any more arousal than watching someone cut up vegatables, but I have enough male in me to appreciate their looks, and enough female to appreciate their comic timing.