'Describing' Colors To A Blind Person...

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Jimbee68, Nov 14, 2023.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    Are there any blind people of these boards? Because you know, there's something I always wanted to do. Describe colors to them...

    Of course some blind people weren't blind all their lives, and do remember colors. Singer Ray Charles remembered vivid reds and maybe a couple of other colors as a child. Because he had sight early on, but probably lost it due to undiagnosed glaucoma as a child. But some blind people have been that way all their lives. And so how would you describe color to them?

    Actor Gerald McRaney actually did do this on the 1980's TV detective drama Simon & Simon. He does it for for a young blind lady who he briefly dates in the episode, "I Heard It Was Murder". Cheryl McMannis (who BTW really was blind since birth) guest starred as Dr. Rebecca Towne. But you know, he actually used metaphors, like a rainy day to describe colors. I will try to keep it more simple than that.

    Red. Red is kind of flashy and can hurt the eyes. But it is also kind of warm and inviting. Reminds you of hearth and home. I'd compare it to the spice Cinnamon, believe it or not.

    Orange. Orange kind of reminds of you of red and all I said above, probably because it is red and orange mixed together. Warm like the Sun, but not as flashy as red and it doesn't have the tendency to catch the eye like red and yellow. Yes, the warm Sun shining on you, that is how I would describe it.

    Yellow. Yellow is flashy and warm, as I said. And it has always reminded me of white, believe it or not. I told my mother this when I was a young child, and she agreed with me. You know, they call white blank because it is literally the absence of any color. Kind of like reaching into a jar and finding nothing. Yes, warm but very close to white. That is how I would describe it. Yellow is close to white on the spectrum. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

    Green. Green is relaxing like blue, but not quite as much. It is yellow and blue you know. But that is how I would describe it.

    Blue. Blue is relaxing. It is also very cold for some reason. Ice BTW is not really transparent you know. It actually is blue when in a large block, like an iceberg.

    Purple. Purple is very sad. It doesn't make you sad per se. But it looks very sad. I don't even know why. When Jay Leno started hosting the Tonight Show in 1992, the set was all draped in purple. He eventually changed the design. I'm glad he did. Because it looked depressing.

    Anyways, that is all pretty accurate, I at least think.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023

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